Thursday 5 November 2020

LUMPER V SPLITTER x "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." -- Maya Angelou X 1STONE-6 KG








N SCTIST- A new explanation for dreaming suggests it does something far more profound than reinforcing learning as we sleep



"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."

-- Maya Angelou


“From a scientific perspective, we can say that our feelings of limitation, anxiety, and fear are just so much neuronal gossip. They are, in essence, habits – and habits can be unlearned.” – Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche


CHOKING AND PERFORMANCE ANXTY-Anxiety is a reaction to pressure or stress. It tends to arise during performances that trigger the fear of losing, or fear of damage to your standing. The symptoms of anxiety are psychological – worry and fear – and physiological – including sweaty palms and an increased heart rate. Anxiety uses up attention and working memory, hindering performance

The best athletes are also more adept at brushing off disappointments during competition. The champion golfer Annika Sörenstam jokes that she never hit a bad shot in her life: “I don’t remember them.” Lesser players could be consumed by their mistakes, but Sörenstam would clinically dissect what happened, then get on with the business of trying to recover her position



When athletes are anxious, they overthink, and focus attention on the technical execution of the skill – those aspects of the movement that have generally become automated. It has been called “paralysis by analysis”: the mental effort actually inhibits performance.



Stereotype threat can permeate sport, too. It can affect “any situation where you have the possibility or worry that people might judge you based on your inclusion in a certain group – that could be race, that could be gender, that could be the team you play on,” said Sian Beilock, the cognitive scientist and author

In sport and life, past failure can make future failure more likely.

“We know that students get better at taking tests when they take real-time practice tests – it’s all about closing that gap between how you practise and how you perform.




"Self-actualizing people have the wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy, however stale these experiences may have become to others — what C. Wilson has called "newness.


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