Sunday 1 November 2020




PSYD Vulnerable narcissists are at higher risk of developing an eating disorder, a study finds.

Like grandiose narcissists, vulnerable narcissists think they are special and entitled but, unlike their grandiose peers, they are also self-conscious, passive and shy.

Vulnerable narcissism is often a result of parental invalidation.


GON - If it be your will


Hold that thought


DWM-Lowering sugar consumption by about one can of soda and adding one half-cup of fibre-rich foods daily reduces abdominal fat and type 2 diabetes risk.

A study has found that decreasing about 47 grams of sugar intake per day — equivalent to a can of soda — lowers insulin secretion, on average, by 33 percent.


50k flowers pollinate

8000 km 

150 kgm of honey in a bee's hive  life of 7 weeks



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