Tuesday 10 November 2020

BK Do you remember to enjoy every moment of each day? X TAHD Thoughts become Action, Actions become Habit and Habits become Destiny



BK Do you remember to enjoy every moment of each day?


psyd Two doses of psilocybin — the psychedelic component of magic mushrooms — relieves severe depression, new research finds.


Difficulties with thinking and memory can be symptomatic of a deficiency in vitamin B12, research suggests DWM


স্বামীজী 🔱 Animal kingdom - এ আমরা সত্য - সত্যই struggle for existence, ( জীবন - সংগ্রাম ), survival of the fittest ( যোগ্যতমের উদ্বর্তন ) প্রভৃতি নিয়ম স্পষ্ট দেখতে পাই।
তাই ডারুইনের theory কতকটা সত্য বলে প্রতিভাত হয়। কিন্তু human kingdom ( মনুষ্যজগৎ ) - এ, যেখানে rationality ( জ্ঞানবুদ্ধি ) - র বিকাশ, সেখানে এ নিয়মের উল্টোটাই দেখা যায়।
মনে কর, যাঁদের আমরা really greatmen বা ideal বলে জানি, তাঁদের বাহ্য struggle একেবারেই দেখতে পাওয়…
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Swamiji 🔱 In Animal Kingdom, we can see the truth - really struggle for existence, (life - struggle), survival of the fittest (inauguration of the best) etc.
So how true Darwin's theory is. But in the human kingdom (human world), where rationality (knowledge) is developed, there the opposite of this rule is seen.
Think, those whom we know as really greatmen or ideal, their external struggle is not seen at all. The dominance of instinct in Animal Kingdom. The more people develop, the more rationality develops. That's why there can't be progress by destroying the rational human kingdom like animal kingdom. The greatest evolution of man is achieved only by sacrifice.
The one who can sacrifice for others, the bigger he is among human beings. And in the low level animal world, the more he can destroy, the stronger he is the animal. So Struggle Theory cannot be equally applicable in both states.
People's struggle seems to be. The more he could control the mind, the bigger he has become. The soul develops due to the lack of complete scholarship of the mind. The struggle that is observed for the conservation of the gross body in the Animal kingdom, the struggle is going on for the dominance of the mind or to have a scholarship in the human plane of existence. Like the living tree and the tree fallen in the water of the pond, the opposite of struggle is seen in human beings and in the human world.
Disciple 🌸 Then why do you do so much for our physical improvement?
Swamiji 🔱 Are you all human beings? But there is a little rationality, just now. If Physique (body) is not good, how will you struggle with your mind? Are you the highest evolution ′′ human ′′ in the world anymore?
Do you have food, sleep, sex other than that? You haven't been shattered yet, this time. Thakur used to say, ′′ He is the man who has a sense of respect. ′′ You are the witnesses of the sentence Jaisw Mriyas You have become the place of the envy of the countrymen and the hatred of the foreigners. You are animals, so I ask you to struggle. Theory - Keep the Fiori. Consistently discuss your daily activities and behavior, let's see if you are the biography between animal and human planes! Physique build it up first. Then the mind will be dominated by order.
′′ Words and composition ", Ninth, page: 76, 77


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