Thursday 19 November 2020




Triggers lead to self-doubt. We believe we cannot manage our feelings and reactions.


If sentient beings could connect with the blessings and compassion of the Three Jewels, they would be led on the path to liberation and no one would be left in samsara, but beings are bound by their karma. The Three Jewels can't just toss us from samsara into enlightenment like throwing a stone.
Attaining enlightenment depends on our karma, which is why the Buddha stressed the importance of understanding cause and effect. The Buddha did not teach just because he was a great scholar; he taught with limitless loving-kindness and compassion to make a connection with beings in order to lead them on the path to enlightenment. The sole purpose of the Dharma is to purify the karmic obscurations of beings and lead them to liberation.
- 譯自貝諾法王開示集An Ocean of Blessings: Heart Teachings of Drubwang Penor Rinpoche, 頁83-84。
- An Ocean of Blessings: Heart Teachings of Drubwang Penor Rinpoche, pp. 83-84.


We are also triggered by an illusion when the meaning or level of seriousness we imagine does not match reality. Since we are caught in our own projections this mismeasurement will be well-nigh impossible to pick up on. Here is one example: Jamie tells her friend Casey that she is moving away by the end of the year. Jamie’s words are a trigger; Casey immediately has a sinking feeling in her stomach. Jamie’s message is simply that she is leaving town; her decision was not meant to be an abandonment of Casey. Yet Casey feels it that way because her emotions do not distinguish between absence and abandonment. Any leaving is taken as abandonment, which exaggerates and mistakes its meaning. (A fear of abandonment doubles the impact of a trigger.) Casey will benefit from her reaction when she sees that grief is appropriate but feeling abandoned is a pointer to where her work is.




Years Ago

Your paternal haplogroup, R-M417, traces back to a man who lived approximately 27,000 years ago.

That's nearly 1080 generations ago! What happened between then and now? As researchers and citizen scientists discover more about your haplogroup, new details may be added to the story of your paternal line.

You share a paternal lineage with "Mal'Ta Boy," who lived 24,000 years ago in Siberia


Buried with a variety of trinkets including an ivory crown and stone-hewn figurines, “Mal'Ta Boy” was a freckled three-year-old who lived 24,000 years ago near Lake Baikal in Siberia. Although Mal'Ta Boy’s life was cut short by unknown circumstances, his genome contains important clues about the ancestors of modern Native Americans.

From Mal'Ta Boy’s bone samples, researchers determined that he carried paternal haplogroup R, an ancient lineage that is still relatively common in Western Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia. One striking discovery was that Mal’Ta Boy’s genome showed affinities with both modern European and Native American populations, but not with modern East Asians. This suggests present-day Native Americans are likely descended from at least two source populations: one originating in East Asia and the other closely related to Mal’ta boy’s Central Siberian roots.


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