Wednesday, 17 July 2024

urump x cultural ieroine


The quality of our mind state in nowness is not dependent on what anyone else thinks, says or does. It does not depend on external events. The quality of the mind state will be defined by the conditioned perceived unhelpful reaction of the confused self referential mind or the compassionate response of its consciously aware counterpart.


  • Change is inevitable, recovery is possible, and adult children can get their life back after mental illness.

animism x panpsy

Spirituality is everywhere here,” she says, tucking into a brownie. “It’s in the rocks, it’s in the trees.” It’s one of those comments that I would snicker at anywhere else. But not in Bhutan. As one writer put it: “There is no such thing as an inanimate object in Bhutan.” Everything is imbued with a spirit. This comes less from their Buddhist beliefs and more from an animist faith called Bon. I always associated animism with a primitive sort of faith, but if you think about it, all things are animated with a life force, and that sounds rather progressive.

Albert Einstein  “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

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