Tuesday 23 July 2024




The Tibetan scrolls relate that while among the Buddhists, Jesus applied himself to the study of their sacred books and could perfectly expound from them. Apparently around age twenty-six or twentyeight, he preached his message abroad as he wended his way back to Israel through Persia and adjacent countries, encountering fame from the populace and animosity from the Zoroastrian and other priestly classes. PYA



A 20-minute stroll in nature is the most efficient way to reduce stress levels, research finds.

Just 20 to 30 minutes provided the biggest drop in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.


The Field of Awareness

If consciousness is not personal, what does it mean we earn the chance for better opportunities or for better choices? It’s like consciousness is the field, the field; karma is still content. One has not escaped content yet. To go beyond karma means to have escaped the limitation of content. Consciousness is infinite context. It has no form, like the sky. Karma would be like a cloud. It still has form; it hangs loose within the sky; it’s within the sky. So, karma then would be the consequence of one’s spiritual decisions have an influence on the shape of the cloud, but consciousness is like the sky. The field of consciousness which is impersonal is unaffected by the cloud. Where the cloud goes in the sky will depend on its shape, size, consistency, humidity, barometric pressure, and many things, yes? You see, in the meditative technique to realize the Presence of God, one
goes back from identifying with the content of consciousness to the field itself to realize that I am not the content of the mind; I am that upon which the mind is playing, see? It’s like I am the receiver and not the notes of the music. The receiver remains the same no matter what music is
playing on it.  You all of a sudden jump from identifying with the content—I am those thoughts, words, images and memories—to I am That which empowers them to become known. So, you become the knower of the field. You become the witness. You become, at a certain level, the experiencer.

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