Friday, 19 July 2024



Suzuki Rōshi’s interest in working with householders and his acknowledgement that Sōtō monasticism isn’t ideally portable. His prescription seems to be that householders should experience the nondualistic practice of a Sōtō monastery and then “more and more your life will be non-dualistic.”


note the difference between religion and spirituality; with the former being the box, structure, format, and framework around the contents into which we pour the latter. Spirituality is about the direct connection between our hearts and whatever we perceive the Divine to be, without need for an intermediary. My foundation was the former, my current existence and practice is the latter. I now say that love is my religion and G-d is too vast to fit into any one box.


KMG "When people are under stress, the sympathetic nervous system takes over, which is part of the basic biology that helps you fight or flee. Heart rate goes up, and variability goes down. The heart gets “stuck” at a higher rate –contributing to the physical feelings of anxiety or anger that accompany the fight-or-fight response. In contrast, when people successfully exert self-control, the parasympathetic nervous system steps in to calm stress and control impulsive action. Heart rate goes down, but variability goes up."


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