Monday 16 May 2022

SRKKA. Till ami gone Bhakti good way

You know what concentration is - from childhood, we are trained to concentrate. Concentration is the narrowing down all our energy to a particular point, and holding to that point. A boy in school looks out of the window at  the birds and the trees, at the movement of the leaves, or at the squirrel climbing the tree. And the teacher says: “You are not  paying  attention, concentrate on the book”, or “Listen to  what I am saying.”This is to give far more importance to concentration than to attention. If I were the teacher I would help him to watch; I would help him to watch that squirrel completely; watch the movement of the tail, how its claws act, everything. Then if he learns to watch that attentively, he will pay attention to the book. jk

Enquiry should be made this wise: With the kind help of the Sat Guru one should enquire ‘Who am I? What is this world? What is the reality behind all these?'RG

R.K. Mission's most vocal and well known Swami and representative was Swami Vivekananda one of the earliest of Sanatanis to interpret SD to the Western World(Why was it necessary - may be because India was under British Rule those days, and he wanted to present India's case as the natives feel it.)

Even though SV was quite well grounded in SD as were Sri Aurobindo and Sri Dayananda Saraswati, one cannot discount their 'leaning' towards Western Science's World View. Going by this standard the three set for tjemselves, all the three must be subscribing to the Theory of Evolution.

Of these however, MaharShi Dayananda Saraswati's stand would be seen as ambivalent. SV was however cautioning Indians with these words: …while we must search for historical, scientific truths while evaluating religious beliefs it is also necessary to remember that these are not to affect the strength of religious belief as the true purpose of religion is different.

But today we have come long way from where the world was then. Science is advancing at a feverish pace throwing up surprises on the Nature of Objective Reality, so dear to Old World(before 1940s) Science. This is really an interesting space to watch. But even going by Sarvapriyananda RK Mission is quite accommodative of all that has Science has to offer. The reason for the same is quite a lot of S&T is being used by RKM.

That apart personally I feel Theory of Evolution cast in the Darwinian mold does need a reworking. Honestly I am not convinced. May be one must begin a bottom up approach rather than the top down taken by the ToEvolution(I would like to reserve the abbrevistion ToE for Theory of Everuthing - whose position is vacant as of now.

When, through desirelessness, you reach the Self, you find that everything is your own Self, and in that state the thought ‘I want this’ or ‘I want that’ no longer arises because there is nothing separate from you, and no ‘I’ to want it.Papaji 

Absolutely support and believe in Evolution theory. Swami Vivekananda used to quote Maharshi Patanjali “Every species evolves from one to another by manifestation of the Kundalini Shakti”…Swamiji says that every species changes from one to another by expressing the divinity in them. He just didn't consider Natural selection et all to be the summum bonum of evolution.

patched rag from the roadside serves as a shawl to the Avadhut, who has no sense of pride or shame. Naked, he sits in an empty shack, immersed in the pure, stainless bliss of the Self.AG

Whenever obstacles come on the path, think of them as “not me”. Stand back from the mountain of problems [and vasanas], refuse to acknowledge that they are yours, and they will dissolve and disappear before your eyes. Don’t fight them; just ignore them.

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