Monday 23 May 2022


 DWM Eating nuts regularly has been shown to lower cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death rates from CVD.

Studies show that adding half-a-cup of walnuts to our everyday diet can decrease the levels of bad cholesterol, the number of small low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, and total LDL particles, as well as lowering blood pressure.


Once you have understood the union of emptiness and the dependent arising of phenomena, you will see clearly how deluded and deceiving the ways of the world really are, and, like an old man forced to play children's games, you will find them very tiresome. When you have realized the utter foolishness of spending your life attached to friends and scheming to subdue your enemies and competitors, you will find it tedious. Once you have been struck by the pointlessness of letting yourself be forever influenced and conditioned by your habitual tendencies, you will become sick of it. . . . That will inspire you to strive towards liberation—and by striving for it, you will attain it.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, The Heart of Compassion, Shambhala 2007



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