Monday 16 May 2022

Dashavatar Vishnu. Evolution

What is the evolution theory shown in the Vedas?

Veda do not deal with the theory of evolution. According to Veda life was created by Purusha (ParaBrahman). However, like the theory of evolution which says we were 1st all aquatic animals and then turn to reptiles and so on, the Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu matches it perfectly like

  • Matsya - fish, the first class of vertebrates; evolved in water(Indicates origin of Fishes inSilurian Period
  • Kurma - amphibious (living in both water and land; but not to confuse with the vertebrate class amphibians)(Indicates origin of Amphibians in Devonian Period
  • Varaha - Mammal wild land animal(Indicates Mammals origin in Triassic Period
  • Narasimha - beings that are half-animal and half-human (indicative of emergence of human thoughts and intelligence in powerful wild nature)
  • Vamana - short, premature human beings
  • Parasurama - early humans living in forests and using weapons
  • Rama - humans living in community, beginning of civil society
  • Krishna - humans practicing animal husbandry, politically advanced societies
  • Kalki - advanced humans with great powers of destruction.

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