Saturday 21 May 2022



Let's assume, a great magic hole.

Magic reminds me of Harry Potter novels. Albus Dumbledore, one of the bright characters from the series, Hogwart School Headmaster. Legendary Magician, Sagely Stability & Wisdom, Noble & Always Comedy Personality. With him again his almost clever technique.

Imagine that Albus Dumbledore's magic wand sparked a strange thought around the world. Two scholarships disappeared completely from the mind of all people overnight;

1 ; Extra Greed
2; Fear for no reason

Turns out that at least people are satisfied with what they have in the world. There is no extra demand. More interest in subtle than obese. Her consciousness motivates perfection, but she is universal level. More like Shiva.

He doesn't find any reason to be afraid of every word. Have to live for a long time, that is also a greed. When death comes, I will take that experience, why will I make my life hell by sprinkling fear from now on? Will laugh, sing, love, will touch the main truth of life, will be ready with a smile for whatever experience may be.

If so, that is, if really some magic sarcasm of all people's greed and fear is over, then what would happen?

Man created infrastructure all over the world will collapse. The whole system will crumble in the face. Political system, economic chains, business philosophy, educational roots, social eye-painting, diplomatic cleverness, corrupt cultural bullying, hypocrite religious discipline... Corruption, discrimination; everything is in the criminal ground.

Because this whole fake stands on these two scholarships. The authority of the master is the capital of this greed and fear. If you have less greed, their job is to make you greedy. If you don't have fear, they will play ghost dance in front of your eyes day and night, to create trouble in your mind.

So today those of us who are thinking ourselves as ordinary and helpless, we have empty handed but a huge weapon, to destroy their capital. If there is no combined magic, at least someone can try to cut the net of greed and fear. Who can say that the new move won't one day become a procession of liberation for conscious mankind?

✒️ - Joydeep

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