Saturday 21 May 2022


Thought the group would like this

The Only Way To Happiness

Our Kingdom Is Not of This World

   Men think that this world is the only reality. But there is something beyond this world, and the reason man goes on being dissatisfied is that his kingdom is not of this world. Everything here is temporary and subject to change, governed by the illusion of time. When one becomes united with the Divine, there is no past, present, or future. God alone is eternal.

  Instead of talking about God, instead of reading about Him, now is the time to feel Him. The world will not know peace until man has learned to feel peace in God.

   Set aside time every day for meditation - deep, joyous communion with God. Out of the twenty-four hours in each day give one hour to the Divine Beloved. Wise is that man who takes to heart this advice. “Life is sweet and death a dream; joy is sweet and sorrow a dream, when Thy song flows through me." Thou art Wisdom. Thou art Bliss. Thou art Love. And That, dear ones, is your reality. 

Sri Sri Daya Mata,
144, Only Love.

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