Monday 2 May 2022


 Older people with low blood levels of folate (vitamin B9) are 68 percent more likely to develop dementia and have a higher rate of death from any cause.



What Are Your Favorite Healthy Snacks?

The words snack may have a negative connotation, but that’s because people often confuse “snack” with “treat.” When in fact, research shows that snacking can be a healthy part of any diet. Reaching for a healthy snack can help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, while giving people an opportunity to load up on protein, vegetables or fruit—foods that may be hard to always get enough of at mealtimes.

According to the Washington Post, “Older adults often don’t get enough protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B12, for example. Studies have found that healthy snacking improves the quality of older adults’ diets overall, and it may improve physical function...

‘Choose foods from at least two different food groups — such as fruit and grains or vegetables and dairy — when putting together a snack,’ says Whitney Linsenmeyer, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics at St. Louis University’s Doisy College of Health Sciences. ‘That will help you get a mix of healthy carbohydrates, fats, and protein...’

The right size for your snack depends on how many total calories you need in a day and how much you are eating at meals. If you eat three squares a day, it’s best to keep your snacks to 150 to 200 calories (unless you need to gain weight). For those who eat lightly at meals, 300- to 400-calorie snacks should be appropriate.”


psy Little acts of kindness really do provide a small, but significant boost to happiness.


Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit. - Jeremy Taylor


Oooh! Multiple questions in one. A whole philosophy class in one Quora post…love it!

Let’s start with the last question first: Why does enlightenment happen and why doesnt it?

It doesn’t. If all the all the answers and countless words I’ve posted on Quora (being one of those ‘people who still answer questions, here’:-) were discarded, and folks only remembered one thing i said, it would be this:

Enlightenment is not an event that occurs in ‘time’ to an individual ‘self.’ The presumption that there is such a thing as a separate individual who is capable of making choices and generating effort in order to attain something called ‘enlightenment’ is rooted in deep ignorance about the nature of Being, liberation, and Life that already, simply, Just Is, and it continuously reinforces the misguided notion of ‘seeking’ and becoming,

If nothing can be done about "reaching" enlightenment and no intellectual understanding helps it, why do people still answer questions, for example on Quora?

Because Life or Being appears to be projecting a dream of ‘separateness,’ in which there appears to be ‘separate beings’ interacting with each other. These apparent separate beings talk about all kinds of stuff.

If “you” and “I” meet for coffee, we will probably spend an hour or more talking about everything under the sun. Maybe you’ll ask me if I know what the weather is forecast to be like tomorrow. Maybe I’ll answer it’s supposed to rain, which will ruin both our plans for having a family picnic out in the sun tomorrow.

Can we change the weather? If nothing can be done about "reaching" sunny-day-ment and no intellectual understanding will help us change the forecast, should you have not asked your question, and I not answered it?

There’s no such thing as ‘personal enlightenment” (that hilarious oxymoron:-) and nothing you need to reach or ‘attain.’ Ever. This is It!

And maybe we’ll still talk about it, post answers about it.


psy Men with conscientious personality traits and those who are open to experience live longer, a study find



We are what our thoughts havemade us; so take care about whatyou think. Words are secondary.Thoughts live; they travel far.~ Swami Vivekananda





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