Sunday 5 September 2021


 There is a modest association between paracetamol exposure in-utero and the future development of asthma.



Polar bears are the only bear species that actively hunt and kill humans for food. There’s a rhyme that everyone living where bears live needs to know, and why the rhyme is so important: If it’s brown, lie down. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s white, say goodnight."


"Cruise liners all have a morgue for all the passengers that inevitably die each trip."


"Early childhood malnutrition (between ages 0–5) causes irreversible loss of IQ (11–20 points) and predisposes people to higher levels of violence. The prefrontal cortex doesn't develop the same. And if you miss that window, there's no intervention that can recover the gap.


"One-third of all people who break their hip die within the year... So please tape pillows to your elderly relatives."



"The liver can be ruptured in one punch. The liver is the second most fragile organ in the human body."


And finally, "A tumor can have teeth and eyes." TERATOMA 


The broad strokes of the traditional thinking on lifespan psychology is that people improve in all kinds of cognition until their early 20s. After that, “fluid” intelligence, which includes thinking about new things, thinking quickly, and abstract reasoning, gradually declines until the end of life. “Crystalized” intelligence, on the other hand, which is characterized by wisdomknowledge, and expertise at things one practices often, continues to improve with age, but with slower returns as we get older. This continues into your 70s, after which things begin to decline.


WEBB "Nature's music is never over; her silences are pauses, not conclusions."





The Gnostic teachings are based on the communion between science, art, philosophy and mysticism; they seek to rescue the highest values of the human being in order to be able to comprehend that life is empty without the pursuit of transcendence and the self-realization of the Being.


b Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, you do know that you have a body and a mind. You also know that your mind is the main problem, not your nose. Since you understand that clean clear, it’s good to develop your understanding of the mind. This is very important for your life and for gaining the happiness you seek. And that’s what Buddhism talks about: human problems and how to deal with them and the fact that each of us is individually responsible for our own happiness and misery.


Intelligent people often value novel things and are at a greater risk of getting bored.

If you miss the present moment,you miss your appointmentwith life. That is very serious!~ Thich Nhat Hanh



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