Sunday 19 September 2021






ck any experience is highly informative, distinct because of the way it is. Each experience is informationally rich, containing a great deal of detail, a composition of specific phenomenal distinctions, bound together in specific ways. Every frame of every movie I ever saw or will see in the future is a distinct experience, each one a wealth of phenomenology of colors, shapes, lines, and textures at locations throughout the field of view. And then there are auditory, olfactory, tactile, sexual, and other bodily experiences—each one distinct in its own way. There cannot be a generic experience. Even the experience of vaguely seeing something in a dense fog, without being clear what I am seeing, is a specific experience.






Realists are significantly happier than both pessimists and optimists in the long-run, research reveals.



Hari Om. Om Namo Narayan. Orders.
Happy Sunday to all friends.
In your consciousness, the wave of the actions of the mind comes and goes. And you know the sleep state of mind in your consciousness from experience. Because the mind knows two things; to wake up the wave of thoughts spontaneously and to go to sleep; when the mind does not have action and the mind does not sleep, you can enter into meditation.
Entry into meditation means you have become available to awareness.
Meditation means neither thought, nor sleep; meditation is awareness. When you keep awareness as a witness, you can become a witness. Witness is your state, your actions and your thoughts, you can now become a witness;
Sakshi or ni fairy from duality; Sakshi means purest state.
You start living in the world with the feeling of witness. The world cannot attract you: the aspiration of the world is illusion and the witness of the world means you have become a witness to Maya too.
The one who becomes the witness of Maya becomes the form of Shiva and always stays in joy.
May you all be blessed and happy.
सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवंतु।
People: May the whole world be happy.
Om Shanti Peace Peace:


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