Saturday 11 September 2021



Can humans really attain enlightenment, or is it a big step for us?

As always, the first question to ask is why you want that.

“Why do I want enlightenment?” If you are unflinchingly honest with yourself, you will promptly arrive at the unavoidable truth that you just want a better ‘life-experience’ (freedom from suffering, bliss, permanent peace & joy, etc.) for yourself, your illusory personal “me.”

Enlightenment is death. The total, uncompromising death of that illusory “me” that thinks it’s a separate entity and wants things for “itself.” “You” don’t want that.

And it’s fine to admit that. Totally cool. Saves you lots of delusionary ‘seeking,’ frustration and fooling yourself. Living as an apparent ‘separate human’ who doesn’t really want enlightenment is also the Divine, the One apparently expressing itself as Two - or eight-billion. Enjoy “your” life!

Since ‘enlightenment’ is the apparent end of the illusion that “we” are separate humans,’ no human can ‘attain enlightenment.’

And since it’s just an illusion - Wholeness is already whole, the One is only One - nothing actually ‘happens.’ So it’s not a big step. It’s no step at all.


One no-step for a man, one giant no-leap for nothing-kind. Houston, there isn’t a problem.


It’s a wee bit of consciousness adhering to the awareness boot. Be a patient Witness, the awareness boot is Self cleaning.


dwm Drinking caffeinated coffee before breakfast imbalances blood sugar levels which results in developing insulin resistance.


swayam sevak bono


Kriya Yoga Master once said: “The seed of spirituality is hidden in each human being, ready to sprout and become a tree and bear the fruit of bliss and peace that sustain life. Through the benefits of a proper environment, the guidance of a true master and constant effort the tree of spiritual life may grow abundantly, bringing fulfillment to our lives and at the same time, provide the shade of calmness and peace to those around us. This world is a place to learn. Here you can either train yourself to live a life of detachment or you become easily attached to anything and everything. So, be careful. All attachment is bondage, which will remain with you wherever you go. Your attention should always be centered in the fontanel, which is the place of freedom. With your attention in the fontanel, you can go to the lower centers and not be in bondage. However, if you forget the fontanel and become absorbed in the lower centers, then surely you will live a life of bondage and suffering. You have now learnt that you do everything only by the power of God. So I am telling you how to get this real power. How to go from confusion to clarity, from dishonesty to honesty, from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light, from impurity to purity, from bondage to liberation and from imperfection to perfection. All these good qualities are contained within every human being, but they are covered. As a cable covers the current, similarly, our soul, the power of God, remains inside the entire body, but is covered by the illusive power of maya. Realize that you are God in a human being. Your whole body is the temple of God. You have to feel it. He is pulling the breath from the top. He is hiding there. So fix your attention at the top of the head, in the fontanel. Feel that God is there in your head, concentrate there. When you practice Kriya Yoga the subtle breath is going straight to the fontanel while the gross breath is going to the lungs. If you control your breath and follow the Guru one hundred percent, then surely you all will become Self Realized.
But for the mind to become as expansive as the universe, one should become like a child first. You should cultivate the attitude of a beginner. Your body has grown but your mind has not expanded. Your soul, being unlimited, does not allow itself to be Circumscribed by your ego's narrowness. Destruction of 'ego consciousness' means that you should stop limiting yourself by identifying with the ego's Attachments. So eliminate the Bondage of Attachment !! Those who free themselves from the ego's narrowness and the consciousness of ego's possessions hold Dominion over Earth and Heaven.
Once you become a child of Spirit who is free from ego's material Attachment you may surely have Everything that is in the Universe as your Rightful Divine inheritance.........”






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