Sunday 19 September 2021



"I am a part of everything that I have read."







CK The neocortical sheet: Neocortex is a vast lace of pyramidal neurons and interneurons. The chiaroscuro pattern of cell bodies in the middle drawing, oriented from top to bottom, resolves into six layers that make up this structure. Shaped like a highly folded pizza or pancake, it forms the cortex’s gray matter (right). The electrical activity of its neurons is the physical substrate of experience.



b never feel sad, and never get frustrated or worried.
This is because everything in life is impermanent, it ebbs and flows in the blink of an eye.
When we see the truth of life, we become enlightened.
When we are free from afflictions, our wisdom shines.




The term posterior cortical hot zone was coined by Christof Koch and colleagues to describe the part of the neocortex closely associated with the minimal neural substrate essential for conscious perception.[1] The posterior cortical hot zone includes sensory cortical areas in the parietaltemporal, and occipital lobes. It is the “sensory” cortex, much as the frontal cortex is the “action” cortex.


‘mystical experience,’ is:

A (purportedly) super sense-perceptual or sub sense-perceptual experience granting acquaintance of realities or states of affairs that are of a kind not accessible by way of sense perception, somatosensory modalities, or standard introspection.




ck The basic tenet of today’s dominant faith, its zeitgeist, is that digital, programmable computers can, in the fullness of time, simulate anything, including human-level intelligence and consciousness. Computer experience is just a clever hack away.



CK Consciousness is experience. That’s it. Consciousness is any experience, from the most mundane to the most exalted. Some add subjective or phenomenal to the definition. For my purposes, these adjectives are redundant. Some distinguish awareness from consciousness. For reasons I’ve given elsewhere, 1 I don’t find this distinction helpful and so I use these two words interchangeably. I also do not distinguish between feeling and experience, although in everyday use feeling is usually reserved for strong emotions, such as feeling angry or in love. As I use it, any feeling is an experience. Collectively taken, then, consciousness is lived reality. It is the feeling of life itself. It is the only bit of eternity to which I am entitled. Without experience, I would be a zombie, a nothing to myself.


ck The great strength of this commonsense definition—consciousness is experience—is that it is completely obvious. What could be simpler? Consciousness is the way the world appears and feels to me

A “The supreme truth is established by total silence, not logical discussion and argument. He alone sees the truth who sees the universe without the intervention of the mind, and therefore without the notion of a universe.


This is the big question. As Ben Robinson has noted, people with brain damage appear to have impairments to consciousness. For example, there was a study where they applied an intense magnetic field to various areas of the brain, in one area effectively shutting down speech abilities.

However, it is my feeling that, though consciousness is wedded to the brain and heart while in the physical body, whatever studies we do are only using material devices to study the physical organs, thereby arriving at conclusions related to the material body such as the brain.

This is why there is a distinction between the terms mind and brain, the mind being the term for a broader field of perception that also includes the brain.

For me, I feel there are far too many documented cases of people who maintain perception during near-death experiences or meditation. In these cases, people do have the ability to see and recall events happening outside the body. How can we measure such things?

I think at this point we do not have the technology to really draw conclusions about the mystery of consciousness but it is wonderful that people are continuing to explore it through practices like meditation.



c Others, such as Daniel Dennett, argue vociferously that, although consciousness exists, there is nothing intrinsic or special about it. As he expressed it in an interview in the New York Times, “The elusive subjective conscious experience—the redness of red, the painfulness of pain—that philosophers call qualia? Sheer illusion.” 5 There is nothing real about my excruciating back pain above and beyond my behavioral dispositions, my need to remain absolutely still, flat on the floor, and so on





greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming, which is worryingly close to the 1.5°C maximum threshold set by climate change experts.


SRK মায়ের মন্দিরে যদি কেউ চোখ বন্ধ করে ধ্যান করত, তা দেখে ঠাকুর তাকে বলতেন, "এখানে আবার ওসব করা কেন গো। সাক্ষাৎ মা চিন্ময়ী বিরাজ করছেন, আশ মিটিয়ে দেখে নাও। ওসব বাইরে চলে, যেখানে অনুভূতি হবে না, এখানে ওসব করো না। মনে কর, তুমি তোমার আপন মায়ের কাছে গেছ মাকে দেখতে, তুমি কি চোখ বন্ধ করে মায়ের কাছে বসবে, না মালা জপতে বসবে ?"


MSRDA মায়ের আত্মকথা - পর্ব 18।।

আমি একবছর আমাশয়ে ভুগেছি , সে কি শরীর হয়ে গেল ।
দেশে আমাদের কলুপুকুরের ধারে শৌচে যেতুম । বার বার যেতে কষ্ট হত বলে সেখানটিতেই শুয়ে পড়ে থাকতুম ।
একদিন পুকুরজলে শরীর পানে চেয়ে দেখি শুধু হাড় সার হয়েছে , দেহেতে আর কিছু নেই ।
তখন ভাবলুম - আরে ছিঃ ! এই দেহ তবে আর কেন ? এই খানেই দেহটি থাক , দেহ ছাড়ি ।
পরে নিবি এসে বললে , ওমা তুমি এখানে পড়ে কেন ? চল চল , ঘরে চল - বলে ঘরে নিয়ে গেল ।
কি আসুখই করেছিল , কিছুতেই সারে না ।



CK Consider another everyday experience. Squeezed into seat 36F on a bumpy, two-hour flight after having had my morning cappuccino, I feel pressure building up in my bladder. By the time I get to a bathroom in the terminal, the urge to pee becomes almost unbearable 11—finally, I consciously feel the urine flowing, together with a mildly pleasurable sensation as the pressure is relieved. But beyond that, I can’t introspect further. I can’t decompose these sensations into more primitive atomic elements. I can’t get past the “veil of the Maya,” to adopt Hindu parlance. My introspective spade has hit impenetrable bedrock. 12 And I certainly never experience the synapses, neurons and the other stuff inside my skull that constitutes the physical substrate of any experience. That level is completely hidden to me.



c consider a rare class of conscious states: mystical experiences common to many religious traditions, whether Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Hindu. These are characterized as having no content: no sounds, no images, no bodily feelings, no memories, no fear, no desire, no ego, no distinction between the experiencer and the experience, the apprehender and the apprehended (nondual). The late-medieval Dominican monastic, philosopher, and mystic Meister Eckhart encountered the Godhead in a featureless plain, the essence of his soul: There is the silent “middle,” for no creature ever entered there and no image, nor has the soul there either activity or understanding, therefor she is not aware there of any image, whether of herself or of any other creature. 13 Using similar language, long-term practitioners of Buddhist meditation describe naked or sheer awareness: Unobscured like a cloudless sky, remain in lucid and intangible openness. Unmoving like the ocean free of waves, remain in complete ease, undistracted by thought. Unchanging and brilliant like a flame undisturbed by the wind, remain utterly clean and bright. 1





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