Saturday 25 September 2021


 If you don’t invite God to be your summer Guest, He won’t come in the winter of your life.

Lahiri Mahasaya, Page No. 220, "Autobiography of a Yogi"


JK We seem to think that education stops when we leave school or college. We seem not to treat the whole of human existence as a process of self-education that is constant and perhaps never-ending. Most of us limit education to a very short period, and for the rest of our lives carry on in rather a muddle, learning only a few things that are absolutely necessary and falling into a routine—and of course there is always death waiting. This is our life really: marriage, children, work, passing pleasures, pain and death. If this is our whole life, which apparently it is, then what really is the meaning of education? We never ask these fundamental questions; probably they are too disturbing. But as we are teachers in colleges and schools, we must ask what the purpose of education and learning is. We know it is to prepare us for some sort of job and responsibilities, but apart from that preparation, what do we mean by teaching and what is the teacher? As it is generally understood, a teacher, having studied certain subjects, informs the student about them. Does this constitute being a teacher, just passing on knowledge? We are inquiring into the nature of the teacher and the taught. Who is a teacher? What are the implications of teaching apart from following the curricula? —Krishnamurti
From The Whole Movement of Life is Learning



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