Tuesday 21 September 2021





It’s really good to get out of our lives from time to time. When we get some distance, we can see how much we have been investing in what seems so real. When we’re all wrapped up in it, there seems to be such a real solid city full of real worrying problems – loads of problems, far more problems than there are people.



Such fluctuations of mood arise because we are too closely involved in the external situation. We are like a child making a sandcastle who is excited when it is first made, but who becomes upset when it is destroyed by the incoming tide. ~ How to Transform Your Life

Whenever a form appears to us, we need complete conviction that this form is a manifestation of emptiness, and that, apart from its emptiness, there is no form existing from its own side.



This very unfindability is the real nature of the watch…. The real nature of the watch is just its emptiness, but this very emptiness appears to us in the aspect of a watch.



This very unfindability is the real nature of the watch…. The real nature of the watch is just its emptiness, but this very emptiness appears to us in the aspect of a watch.


AB Your main job is to practice Dharma. Everything else will follow naturally from that.


QWhy is 'Adi Shankaracharya' called 'Prachhanna Bouddha' (Hidden Buddhist)? Which Buddhist principles were they supportive of?

The core principles of Advaita and Buddhism share a close resemblance and this is further corroborated by advaitic works before shankara(i mean the lineage of shankara i.e his guru and etc).

Advaita emphasises on nirguna brahman which is defined as that something which is devoid of all qualities- this position is very similar to that of Buddhist shunya which again denies the existence of brahman and calls shunya as the ultimate goal. Advaita accepts brahman but goes as far as to deny him the very consciousness and qualities which define ‘existence’; this in a sense is very similar to shunya.

Advaita denies the existence of material world(relative to brahman) while it confers a temporary pseudo like reality status to the universe which they call as vyavaharika satta. Buddhists on the other hand do the same by emphasising on shunya while ascribing the reality a temporary pseudo status.

Further, the two philosophies share a very close similarities in some of their theories which is why the notion “Pracchanna bouddha” became popular.


If you’re still here …AB 

If we know that everything is merely imputed by conceptual thought, not other than its emptiness, then it is not hard to see that if we purify our thoughts, we purify our world.

AND … if we realize this true nature of all phenomena with the mind of great bliss, then we see everything not just as a manifestation of its emptiness but of great bliss and emptiness. Which gives rise to even more bliss. As Venerable Geshe-la explains about Tantric Yogis in Tantric Grounds and Paths:


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