Wednesday 15 September 2021


 In fact, experiencing positive emotions, feeling lively and wide awake all predict higher intelligence.


“I understand how scarlet can differ from crimson because I know that the smell of an orange is not the smell of a grape-fruit." 

-- Helen Keller, The World I Live In 

At the end of the day, on the wings of your thoughts, go beyond the cares and troubles of the world.



Hang on there, Prometheus!

We weren’t given a mind.

Personal thought is just the illusion of separation from God.

(Or Being, Consciousness, the One.)

When the sun rises, flowers open.

They don’t think “I guess I’ll open” after weighing all the alternatives.

There’s also an inverse relationship between brilliance and thinking.

Folks who made great discoveries say they downloaded them from the universe.

They’re not better at thinking -

They’re better at turning thought off.

Fundamentally, they’re better at disregarding the illusion of personal thought.


Edit: The question has been changed since my answer. Original question also had “…when Shiva is a destroyer” in it.


Because, he is a destroyer of what exactly? He is the destroyer of IGNORANCE. When does Shiva ‘destroy’? When ignorance pretty much has taken over humanity on this earth, and immorality, adharma, and the 7 deadly vices rule the roost on this plant - (i.e. when 4 in 5 humans on this planet have gone rouge). That is when Shiva initiates the pralaya (ragnarok) on this earth.

Hence Shiva is worshiped to help remove our ignorance from our daily lives, i.e. to help increase our experience-driven-wisdom, which will then help us shed the illusion of worldly material pursuits and enter the outwardly realm of eternal bliss after our passing.


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