Wednesday 8 September 2021



Shah Mosque

"This striking image features a relatively rare celestial phenomenon known as a Herbig-Haro object. These spectacular objects develop under very specific circumstances. Newly formed stars are often very active, and in some cases they expel very narrow jets of rapidly moving ionized gas – gas that is so hot that its molecules and atoms have lost their electrons, making the gas highly charged."


And well-being started to dip once people had more than five hours of free time.




Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller


“Sartaj was thinking about how uncanny an animal this life was, that you had to seize it and let go of it at the same time, that you had to enjoy but also plan, live every minute and die every moment." 

-- Vikram Chandra, Sacred Games

m almost certain he was a vegetarian. to know the truths of life and rebirth, and to not actively choose vegetarianism is like robbing a bank and shooting your own foot on the way out the door


SWVVKA He was a Freemason who converted to Hinduism for the sake of nationalism. He wanted India to become more like a western country but with it’s own cultural and religious identity. Therefore he tried to combine western ideals with Hindu traditions and interpreted Hinduism through the lens of western esotericism.


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