Friday 3 June 2022



Almost half of young women have insufficient vitamin D levels, which is linked to depression.



Premeditatio Malorum. This is a principle I had adopted in my everyday life (by accident) before I even came to discover it’s stoic roots.

It is known as “the pre-meditation of evils”. This concept of negative visualization was particularly well-known in Seneca’s writings. My personal favourite quote of Seneca’s is;

“What is quite unlooked for is more crushing in its effect, and unexpectedness adds to the weight of a disaster. The fact that it was unforeseen has never failed to intensify a person's grief. This is a reason for ensuring that nothing ever takes us by surprise. We should project our thoughts ahead of us at every turn and have in mind every possible eventuality instead of only the usual course of events.”

Imagine all the things that could go wrong or be taken away from us, as the unexpected blows are the most painful. This will prepare us for whatever outcome or event that may lie ahead of us.

In short, expect the worse and we will never be hurt or disappointed. We can learn to accept our fate, whether it is good or evil and focus on what is in our control. Amor fati!




The Meaning of Karma!

The literal meaning of Karma is action, and in spiritual sense your Karma means your own doing. It is such a simple and yet vauguely misunderstood word by a lot. Whenever people say Karma is a bitch, it hurts me because it is far from what it really is.

When you like a person, you are joyful if he is around you isn’t it? But suppose you hate a person for whatever reason, the sight of him is enough to create pain and anxiety in you. Worse it can turn you vengeful, resentful and hateful. Is it that the other person is turning a knob in his hand and making you suffer inside out? Has he some kind of magic stick to make you suffer like that? NO, absolutely not! It is you, who is suffering and so in a sense your suffering is your own doing. You are suffering because of your own Karma.

I like him, i don’t like him, i hate him, this belongs to me, that should be mine, etc etc etc. I am doing this to me & nobody else has anything to do about it. I am killing myself step by step through pain, agony, hatred, vengence, spite. And expecting somebody else to suffer because he did something wrong to me & expecting karma will avenge it for me. This is illiteracy in true sense, where we are not focussing on our action to our inner self and expecting some miraculous divine intervention to avenge in the name of Karma for me because 10 years back someone else did something horrible to me. What he did was horrible, what i am doing to myslef for the last 10 years is beyond terror. I am dying in installment and expecting a killing blow from Karma to strike him. Laughable yet we all do the same.

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality”- Seneca.

What was done was done, what is happening within me is my own doing my own Karma.


Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

-- G.K. Chesterton

Before your parents gave birth to you, what was your fundamental face?’


I don't know how to do pooja

As bhagavan says in the gita

If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit a water, I will accept it.

There are similar stories for lord shiva. Before you eat something, you can offer it to Bhagavan.- this itself is a Supreme act of bakthi surpassing many complicated rituals..

The sanskrit word is krishna- arpanam-astu - let this be dedicated to Sri Krishna(you can say this in a language of your choice to a god/godess of your choice).



Self-inquiry is to remain with the ‘I-awareness’ or at least with the ‘I-thought’ for a considerable time, and then slowly increase it until it kind of becomes spontaneous, which then means awareness is establishing.

This is the only way to do this Self-inquiry or Atma-Vichara, and that is why Ramana Maharishi called it as the Direct Path.

If one is not able to practice this, one must take up other kinds of meditation or even other paths until one is able to practice this Direct Path.

By the way, this method is not intended to ‘give something’ or for any ‘aha moment’ :)

This method is for the one who seeks to realize the Truth, and does not seek anything other than the Truth.


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