Good karma are golden chains and negative karma are iron chains. Enlightenment involves transcending karma and realizing freedom.

"Kundalini" - What's The Methodology ?
Kundalini is the term for "a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine", conceptualized as a coiled-up serpent. The practice of Kundalini yoga is supposed to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the 6 chakras, and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown. This energy is said to travel along the ida (left), pingala (right) and central, or sushumna nadi - the main channels of pranic energy in the body. A recent article has suggested that the process may be mediated by vagus nerve.
Kundalini energy is technically explained as being sparked during yogic breathing when prana and apana blends at the 3rd chakra (navel center) at which point it initially drops down to the 1st and 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher centers of the brain to activate the golden cord - the connection between the pituitary and pineal glands - and penetrate the 7 chakras.
Borrowing and integrating the highest forms from many different approaches, Kundalini Yoga can be understood as a tri-fold approach of Bhakti yoga for devotion, Shakti yoga for power, and Raja yoga for mental power and control.Kriya yoga is a systematic combination of these three forms. Its purpose through the daily practice of kriyas and meditation in sadhana are described a practical technology of human consciousness for humans to achieve their total creative potential. With the practice of Kundalini Kriya Yoga one would be able to liberate oneself from one's Karma and would also be able to realize one's Dharma (Life Purpose).
Om Paramatmane Namah !
Mrityunjay Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj ki Jai !!

'Covid-19' Crisis - Devote in Devotion "Bhakti Yoga" !
This Second practice is just the opposite direction to what we discussed in "Jnana Yoga". 'I am Brahman', someone like 'Lahiri Mahasaya' could say that with firm conviction, it doesn't come so easily to us. So we say "Not I but Thou my Lord"! This is the way of Devotion.
There is a Great power we can't deny it in this world. Suddenly see how this tiny little invisible thing has changed our lives across Nations and Continents, inspite of all our power, riches and technology, it dramatically changed our lives almost overnight. Similarly spirituality, Devotion to God is another invisible thing which is even more powerful which can rescue us, protect us.
At this point somebody may ask the question "Aren't these two separate paths?"- " I am Brahman" and "I am this little sentient being who worships God"; which one should I take? Aren't they contradictory? They aren't actually contradictory, but even if they were, so what? One can hold on to both. one or the either or both of them. Like 'Swami Vivekananda' said " Always keep these two sides/paths "Knowledge" and "Devotion".
Afterall why should these be contradictory, these are two paths/ways to get to the same 'Reality'. One is the way of Knowledge which says/ realizes- "I am Brahman" the other, the path of Devotion says "I am this being- this body, mind and awareness all bundled up together, and I recognise the vast presence, this existence, consciousness which is now 'God' to me - the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of the Universe.
There is this tremendous power according to whose 'Will' everything in this Universe goes on, not even a leaf can tremble without the Will of God , and this power is Benevolent, though many may not understand it, though it may seem strange to us, ultimately this power is Benevolent and Protective.
So, one great way of overcoming anxiety, depression and fear is to appeal, to pray, to surrender with Love to this 'Power'. One of the most beautiful 'Sutras'(aphorisms) in "Narada Bhakti Sutra", which says-
"Sarvada sarva-bhavena nischintair bhagavan eva bhajaniyah"!
"At all times, in all ways, free from anxiety and depression, one should worship God alone"
There is a saying about anxiety-
चिता चिंता समाप्रोक्ता बिंदुमात्रं विशेषता। सजीवं दहते चिंता निर्जीवं दहते चिता॥
"Chita" and "Chinta" are said to be same still there is a difference of a dot. Pyre(chita) burns the dead while Worry(chinta) burns the alive. So free from anxiety worship God.
Fixing the mind upon Lord is the perfection of Sādhanā' (spiritual practice), but immediately on beginning the path, we cannot expect to become perfect. So, what should those people do, who cannot perfectly fix their mind on God? Shree Krishna in 'Bhagavad-Gita' states, that they should endeavor to remember 'Him' with Devotion.
As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” This is called 'abhyāsa yoga', or “union with God through repeated practice.” Each time the mind wanders toward other objects and ideas, the devotee must strive to bring it back to God through remembrance of His Names, Forms, Virtues, Pastimes, Abodes, and Associates.
See we say continuously think of Lord, but it's very difficult for us, so one way is to begin first by limiting our thoughts to this- "Desha, Kala, Vastu" (space, time, object).
So at this 'Time' (limiting the time), may be for the next half an hour I shall think of God only. May be I will repeat the Mantra, may be I will pray to God, may be I will look at the image/icon of God- so I am binding my thoughts for this period of 'Time', starting here and ending there.
So at least this much, if I can't think of God all the time, let me think about God, let me make an intention, self aware that within this time I shall think about God only. Other thoughts may keep coming in between, that's all right but I have made the intention that I will think of God only, so return to the thought.
At this place("Desha")- so when I am at this corner of the room where I worship God, here I will not think about anything else than God. When I am in the temple, Church, Mosque... no other thought i will entertain. It will bind my thought to Lord only, not any thing worldly, not even Corona.
See what is happening is the way the media and the internet which is of tremendous use at this time is also constantly bombarding us with news and it's a depressing kind of news and what 'Narada' is telling us is to do just the opposite. He is saying constantly bombard yourself with the thoughts of God, with love, devotion and surrender to the Lord. If not always, if not everywhere, then in some place and at some time.
"Vastu"(Object)- At this time and this place I will think only about my Lord, in the form of Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Mahavir... in this picture/icon/ image or in the space of my heart. So tie the mind by time, space and object and use these as support.
Neither time nor space nor objects are God, but these can be used. The mind can't think without space, time and object, so we use them to think about God.
Whichever way appeals to you as Shiva, Kali, Durga, Father in heaven, whichever way suits you as per your own tradition and beliefs think of God in those ways.
Lord is immanent in all beings, so in the father and the mother, the husband, wife and children, people around you the Lord is present in all of them. In fact it's the Lord alone appearing through all of them. Not imagination, that is the Truth.
When we think about people as flesh and blood, when we think about people as persons, that's actually imagination, that's our error. It is the Divinity alone which is appearing as the body, as flesh and blood.
In this age we are living in very busy and crowded places, when we say this is the time (lockdown) to be alone and go inwards. But now that the schools, colleges and workplaces are closed everyone is at home so we are even with more people. instead of treating this as an imposition take this as an opportunity to serve the Lord.
If you can't do it at a large scale like our doctors and health workers are doing even if you can do small things, little words of care, may be through the internet, few words of encouragement, positivity, even a smile, Cooking for them, teaching them , cleaning the house... take these different opportunities to serve the Lord. Not all of us can serve as soldiers at this crisis but we can do at least this.
Just as the virus is infectious the positive attitude is also infectious, this is what we can do as great service, by 'Worshipping the Lord Immanent in all Beings' !

"The ordinary mystic who has surrendered his will to the Overself is like a man floating downstream in a boat with his eyes turned up to the sky and his hands folded in his lap. The philosophic mystic who has surrendered his will to the Divine is like a man floating downstream with his eyes gazing ahead, on the look-out, and his hands keeping firm hold of the rudder to steer the boat. The first man's boat may crash into another one or even into the riverbank at any moment. The second man's boat will safely and successfully navigate its way through these dangers. Yet both men are being supported and propelled by the same waters, both mystic and philosopher have given their self and life to the Divine. Nevertheless, the consequences are not and cannot be the same. For the first despises and refuses to use his God-given intelligence."
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