Thursday 9 June 2022

SERTRALINE X HYPOKALEMIA x the cull of the wild x



"All my period of spiritual practice passed on in painful restlessness in place of the peace and calmness which everyone craves for." Babuji




Maitreya, an ancient sage in Hinduism, was renowned as a prominent jnani (scholar) and parama bhakta (an inspired devotee) of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. He had studied Vedas (Shrutis), Vedangas and Dharmashastras (Smritis) systematically under the guidance of Sage Parasara.

Maitreya was an inspired devotee (anuragi bhakta) of Bhagwan. He was always in a state of ecstasy. He was not only a contemporary of Sage Vyasa but also a satirthya (a fellow religious student) of Parasara.

Maitreya was one of the advisors present in court of Yudhisthira in the Mahabharata. He had once requested Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra to be on good terms with the Pandavas, and also cursed Duryodhana for neglecting his advice. The entire Vishnu Purana is a conversation between Parasara and Maitreya, who was the srota (listener) in this conversation. The knowledge gained thus from Parasara was used by him to answer the questions of Vidura as narrated in Bhagavata Purana.

Maitreya was in Haridwar when Vidura approached him for an answer to some questions. Maitreya was instructed by Krishna to preach self knowledge (atma tattva) to Vidura on this request. The teachings are found in the third and fourth skandha of Bhagavata in 55 cantos.


There is an interesting conversation between Sage Vyasa and Maitreya in the Anusasana Parva of the Mahabharata. On a question from Maitreya, Vyasa stated the following three principles as characteristic of an exemplary life:

  1. One should not betray.
  2. One should practice charity.
  3. One should be truthful.

Maitreya Teachings to Vidura of Mahabharata as found in Bhagavata Purana:

The root cause of grief is selfishness.

Prayer and charity bring peace.

Follow the preaching of elders and the guru (teacher) to realize God.

Prayer keeps god always in our heart.

Asritavatsalattva (protecting the surrendered) is the main swarupa (image) of Bhagavan.

Bhagavan comes down to Earth in different avataras whenever there is a decline of righteousness.

The creation of the universe (jagat srishti) commences after dissolution (pralaya).

Yogamaya is a silent witness to the karma vasyata (bounded by actions) of his devotees.

God manifests in different forms by His truthfulness (satya sankalpattva) and ability to perform wonderful deeds (agatitha ghatana samarthya).

Bhagavan protects pious people by eliminating the wicked. (duskrit vinasana).

Actions of Bhagavan include following people to act according to their fancy.

The division of the world is by time-bound activity.


As kids we love heros but as adult we understand villains.


Brahman means the absolute knowledge, Bhagwan is a term used for people who possess all the "Bhag" Word bhagwan is made up of root word Bhag, which means complete knowledge, complete power/ strength, all types of riches, all beautiful and a great donar/ tyagi , all eminent. So those with above mentioned Bhaga are called "bhagwan" , the beholder of Bhaga.


Sri Ramakrishna said Brahman is both with form and without form. Suppose you're in Varanasi and you walk up to the river Ganga. You notice that the water in this river is formless. But then if you walk all the way to the Bhagirathi valley in Uttarakhand you'll find the same water freezing into ice, an object with form. And yet it's the same Ganga. Similarly Brahman can be with and without form at the same time


The ontological distinction between nirguna and saguna Brahman is only made in the Advaita Vedanta tradition. Nirguna means that Brahman, in its essence is devoid of all accidental attributes. Saguna Brahman, which is Brahman in association with Maya, is however qualified with auspicious attributes such as omniscience and omnipotence.

Now this is important. As noted by Appayya Dikshita, Saguna Brahman isn’t exactly Brahman with a form. This is because Saguna Brahman, in its essential condition, is also incorporeal (nirakara). Saguna Brahman cannot be limited (paricheda) by time (kala), space (desha) or substance (vastu), but through His hold over Maya He is able to furnish a form through which He can bless His devotees.

Adi Shankaracharya comments in his Brahma Sutra Bhashya 1.1.20--

"To the objection that the statements about bodily shape contained in the clauses, 'With a beard bright as gold,' etc, cannot refer to the highest Lord, we reply that the highest Lord also may, when He pleases, assume a bodily shape formed of Maya, in order to gratify thereby his devout worshippers."





Meditation opens wide all the closed inner doors of your body, mind, and soul to admit the surge of God’s power. Your whole body and entire being changes when you practise meditation regularly. When you really contact God, all things become harmonious; all things melt into an ocean of peace. But you have to practise meditation earnestly, consistently, and continually, in order to have the full consciousness of that supreme force.




Being nice is a sign that your IQ is high, research reveals.

Meditation will not carry youto another world, but it willreveal the most profound andawesome dimensions of theworld in which you already live.~ Hsing Yun



CHAN MASTER HSIN TAO-Dharma with wisdom. Let’s take it as doing a business where we must reduce risks by all means. Yet, when greed, aversion, and ignorance arise, the business is undergoing losses.


When the shadow is seen to be only a shadow, you stop following it. You turn around and discover the sun which was there all the time - behind your back!”
― Nisargadatta Maharaj


When you're trying to motivate yourself, appreciate the fact that you're even thinking about making a change. And as you move forward, allow yourself to be good enough."

-- Alice Domar





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