Wednesday 15 June 2022


 Being open to experience is a sign of high intelligence, research reveals.

People who are open to experience are more interested in things that are complex, new and unconventional.


BOB: We call it intelligence-energy, awareness, consciousness or spirit. That is the label we put on it. But the label is not it. We have many different names or labels for it but none of them really fit. You cannot have a single thought without that functioning intelligence. So the thought is not independent and has no power of itself.
This is the thing we have been in bondage to (that erroneous belief in a substantial, independent centre or ego). It is a phantom, something that does not exist. All it takes is an investigation into what is being pointed out.
e Sadguru, being Self-Realized person possesses all Powers . They roll under his feet including Maya also. He may not be even aware of them. He may not exhibit them. It is truth that, he can bestow everything the disciple wants. The disciples draws such Powers to themselves from the Sadguru by their own faith and devotional practice. The Sadguru breaks the bonds of Acts (Karma) acquired in countless births by the Power of Knowledge. That's why one must always prostrate the Sadguru. There is no greater Truth, greater penance and greater knowledge than the Sadguru . So therefore to that Sadguru one must ever pay his homage. Sadguru is the Supreme Reality and deity. There is no Mantra equal to Gurumantra. The knowledge of one's own Self being the self of all is derived by the Grace of the Sadguru. When the Devotion to the Sadguru increases and becomes Oneness this state is realized by the disciple. Faith leads to perfect success. The Sadguru is the beginningless beginning and endless end reality where all worldly worries end.
Sadguru Shri Avadhootanand Maharaj.




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