Saturday 25 June 2022



 It was the early hours of the morning in the Hall of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. Bhagavan had had His bath, and now went to the farther end of the Hall to take His towel that hung from a horizontally suspended bamboo, at one end of which a sparrow had built her nest and laid therein three or four eggs.

In the process of taking His towel Sri Bhagavan’s hand came against the nest, which shook violently, so that one of the eggs dropped down. In this way the egg was cracked.
Sri Bhagavan was taken aback, aghast. He cried out to Madhavan, the personal attendant. “Look, look what I have done today!” So saying, He took the cracked egg in His hand looked at it with His tender eyes, and exclaimed: “Oh, the poor mother will be so sorrow-stricken, perhaps angry with me also, at my causing the destruction of her expected little one! Can the cracked eggshell be pieced together again? Let us try!”
So saying, Bhagavan took a piece of cloth, wetted it, wrapped it around the broken egg, and put it back in the mother’s nest. Every three hours He would take out the cracked egg, remove the cloth, place the egg on His roseate palm, and gaze at it with His tender eyes for minutes together.
What was He really doing at this time? How can we say? Was He sending with those wonderful looks of gentle Grace life-giving beams into the cracked egg, putting ever newer warmth and life into it? That is a mystery none can solve. Yet He kept on saying: “Let the crack be healed! Cannot this be hatched even now? Let the little one come from this broken egg!”
This anxious concern and tenderness of Bhagavan continued from day to day for about a week. So the fortunate egg lay in the nest with its wet bandage cloth, only to be fondled by Sri Bhagavan with divine touch and benign look. On the seventh day, He takes out the egg, and with the astonishment of a schoolboy announces: “Look what a wonder! The crack has closed, and so the mother will be happy and will hatch her egg after all! My God has freed me from the sin of causing the loss of a life. Let us wait patiently for the blessed young one to come out!”
A few more days pass, and at length one fine morning Bhagavan finds the egg has been hatched and the little bird has come out. With gleeful smiling face radiant with the usual light, He takes the child in His hand, caresses it with lips, stroking it with His soft hand, and passes it on for all the bystanders to admire. He receives it back at last into His own hands, and is so happy that one little germ of life has been able to evolve in spite of the unhappy accident to it in the embryo.
Is it not the heart of the real Buddha which shed first tears of anxiety at the crack in the eggshell and then tears of joy at the birth of the new-born babe? Could the milk of kindness ever be seen or conceived of sweeter than this?
From “At the Feet of Bhagavan” By T. K. Sundaresa Iyer

Drinking tea or coffee may reduce the risk of stroke and dementia by around one-third, research finds.


Thats correct. Mahabaratha started with a dog's story, ended with a dog. Also the intresting point is one of the greatest turning point in Mahabaratha in middle was also due to a dog (Ekalavya's episode).

First I will describe the story and later go into the deeper meaning of what it means.

Ugarshavasuvu, goes to niamishaaranya, where sounkaadi maharshi and others were performing dheerga satra yaga (12 years). Ugrashravasuvu is a sishya of vedavyasa (the current vysa's name is krishna dvaipayana). Vedavyasa divided vedas into 4 parts, rig, yajur, sama and atharva. after which he wrote 18 maha puranas. He wrote Mahabaratha after completing puranas. Mahabaratha is also called panchama veda (5th veda).

Sounakaadi maharshi and other ask Ugarshavasuvu where he is coming from then he tells them that he visited Samanthaka panchakam and Janamejaya's yagashala. Janemejaya is the son of parikshith, grandson of Abhimanyu and great grandson of Pandavas.

So Ugarshavasuvu starts describing about his visit to Janemejaya's yagashala. This is where Mahabharata starts. Janemejaya was performing a yaga for the welfare of his country/people. outside the yagashala a small dog ( you can call it a pup) out of curiosity was looking at what is going on. This pup is the son of sarama ( a deva shuni or a celestial female dog). If a dog enters the yagashala then devatas dont accept the offerings made in the yaga. So Janamejaya's three brothers Shrutasena, Ugrasena, Bhimasena closind in on the pup didnt let it escape and trashed it inflicting lot of pain.

So this poor pup goes and cries and tells its mother that I didnt go inside and didnt do any harm to anyone near the yagashala, but these rajakumaras beat me so much not even letting me escape.

In the meanwhile the yaga was completed. Sarama came to Janamejaya and complained. Your younger brothers without any consideration beat my young pup, though it didnt commit any mistake. Sarama didnt curse Janamejaya. It just wanted to convey its point and leave. It didnt ask Janamejaya for justice.

With out any consideration and without thinking twice if a person in authority commits crime/ vilence towards a sadhu (gentle/harmless person), poor there will be a consequence for such an act, which is a fear/danger without any logical reason. Since a harmless small pup cried and felt pain for no mistake of its own, the person who is responsible for such act will face a danger without any reason ( the reason is their bad karma).Sarama finished whatever it wanted to say and left. Then Janmejaya went looking for his purohit.

This is how Mahabharata starts.

After reading this we think what is this story, what relevance does this really have. First reason is, this kind of writing style creates a curiosity in the readers mind. (in sanskrit it is called uthkanta).

Now there are a number of questions that come up in the readers mind.

1. Dog especially a pup is a pretty harmless creature to drive it away just threatening to hit it will drive it away, why do you need to beat it to inflict so much pain

2. The persons who hit the pup are no ordinary people. They are the brothers of janamejaya, grandsons of pandavas. They are prince's of the kingdom. Do Janemejaya's brothers need to drive the dog away themselves. Dont they have a vast army. Cant they ask some soldier to do it. Why do they have to trash it so badly? And then feel proud that they drove away a small pup and think themselves as great ksahitrayas (warriors) and go back to finish yaga.

This incident is very revelant in the current age. which is why Veda vysa gave this story. In general there can be only 3 types of person who we meet.

1. equal to us in terms of status/power
2. lower
3. greater

What do we see in the current society, there are many instances of misuse of the power they have. Peolple who are in power try to abuse, and treat who are under them. I am not trying to generalize. But I am just trying to show what veda vyasa tried to tell us. He tried to tell us how not to pursue our life. If we dont follow our bad karma will have an affect and in that situation we will be left with no clue why we are going through a bad phase in life.

Mahabharata is full of dharma's revelant to our everyday life. It is said that anything and everything can be found in Mahabharata. If it not there in Mahabharata it is not there anywhere else. It is up to the reader to find and interpret in a proper manner.



 Gaudiya Vaishnavas respect and love Lord Shiva because he is the greatest Vaishnava and devotee of Lord Sri Krishna

Just as the Gaṅgā is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord Śambhu [Śiva] the greatest of Vaiṣṇavas, so Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the greatest of all Purāṇas.


ārādhanānāṁ sarveṣāṁ
viṣṇor ārādhanaṁ param
tasmāt parataraṁ devi
tadīyānāṁ samarcanam

Lord Śiva told the goddess Durgā: “My dear Devī, although the Vedas recommend worship of demigods, the worship of Lord Viṣṇu is topmost. However, above the worship of Lord Viṣṇu is the rendering of service to Vaiṣṇavas, who are related to Lord Viṣṇu


According to Tulsidas, Hanuman ji frees all his devotees from all sorts of crisis (sankat) for those who remember him in Thoughts, Words and Deeds

One of the requirements for a successful life is to have great communication skills.

According to the 27th verse of Hanuman Chalisa, Sri Hanuman ji had all these great skills of Thoughts, Words and Deeds



So, what is Man, Karam and Vachan?

In English this means, Thoughts, Words and Deeds

Thoughts, Words and Deeds, generally

are not aligned since the mind is fickle by nature and hence the soul is warned to be ever watchful and control its unpredictable behaviour






 Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it. - Oprah Winfrey


How many trees are there in the world?

When Thomas Crowther and Henry Glick used geospatial data in 2015 to estimate the number of trees in the whole world there was good news and bad news. Good news that there were several times as many trees as anyone had previously realised (total is about 3 trillion) and bad news that the number was declining faster than expected.  The calculation was done partly to establish a baseline so that tree-planting efforts could be put into perspective - the UN's Billion Tree Campaign managed to plant about 15 billion trees over 10 years in virtually all countries across the world (193).  But whilst these numbers sound large this has only added 0.5% of trees so much more needs to be done if we want to reduce the damage humans have done to tree numbers - before humans emerged there were about twice as many trees as there are now.  Perhaps that's why the Trillion Tree Campaign was launched in 2018 in Monaco - a principality covering only two square kilometres and almost bereft of trees


O Poor mind,

If He who dances in the cremation grounds which demons use as a stage

Pities all those souls who do not make any effort,

What will He not do for those who ask for pity, and worship Him always?

What world Will He not give?

~ Arputat Tiruvantāti 78 (Kāraikkāl Ammayiar)






Soma Ras mentioned in the Rig Veda is a Divine drink made from the press-extracted and distilled juice from the stalks of the Somalata plant, mixed with certain other ingredients including water, milk, curds, barley water, and/or honey. Soma is clearly a category of plant, classified into twenty-four different species said to grow on the Mujavat, Arbuda, Sahya, Mahendra, Himalaya, and other mountains. Drinking it is said to cleanse and purify the drinker, and produce immortality, might, virility, and ecstasy. It is referred to as “a drop of life”, “a supreme medicine.” The Soma Mandala of the Rig Veda is completely dedicated to Soma and its use in rituals. The Devas consume Soma Ras in copious quantities, and live for up to hundreds of millions of years.



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