Sunday 20 February 2022



What is the substance of Brahman?

A substance is something which is liable to modification and change.

Brahman is pure consciousness which itself is free from change but includes modifications within itself.

Like the ocean which is an unchanging mass of water but contains currents, whirlpools, waves etc.


Stapp ultimately argues we must come to grips with what quantum mechanics is telling us about the nature of reality. He argues that the universe is ultimately a mental thing more than a physical thing at the quantum level. Even the idea of space is just that at the quantum level


Robert Lanza used a similar logic in his book “Biocentrism” to conclusively solve the old riddle “if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to listen, does it make a sound”? (it doesn’t, because it takes a nervous system to actually process the sound waves.)


 reminds me of the empiricists Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Berkeley’s “essi est percipi”, to be is to be perceived. When you leave the room you’re currently in, it vanishes, and exists only in the “mind of God” until you or someone else enters and perceives it once again.


We could very well extrapolate this concept to something along the lines of “If a universe is born and there is no one to witness it, does it exist?” (it doesn’t! it us who are the meaning making machines)

So are we all experiencing the universe, or is the universe experiencing itself

 through us?


much like radio waves are still there but you need to tune in to listen.




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