Monday 1 November 2021

QDU NT1 OC x satyam jnaanam anantam brahma X DNSA2 DNT SFFR ARROW2

 Climbing the stairs can help to reduce blood pressure, recent research shows.


The spiritual awakening process differs from person to person but there are common themes. As you begin to awaken you may experience some but not all of the symptoms I mention.

  1. You start to decipher between the ego and your Higher Self

The ego tells you many false stories. You’ve been programmed to believe these stories since you were born.

As you begin to awaken you’ll start to realize that many of the stories that you tell yourself are negative and untrue.

The ego also likes to trap you into believing that you’re progressing spiritually.

Some of these traps include:

  • Thinking that you're better than others because you do the “deep” work.
  • Creating the identity that you’re a spiritual person.
  • Feelings of being separate from the collective.

I’ve fallen victim to almost every spiritual trap.

It takes constant discernment of your thoughts to rise above the feeling of being “better” than others because you practice spirituality.

Your Higher Self will never tell you these lies.

Duality from the ego falls apart once you start to connect with your Higher Self. You’ll start to realize that we’re all made from the same consciousness. We come from the same Source.

No one is better than anyone else.

We’re all the same. Just different expressions of the Creator.

When you catch yourself feeling the effects of your ego this is a good thing. It means that you’re progressing in your journey.

2. You seek to stabilize the rollercoaster of emotions

When you first start to awaken you may feel intense positive energy which feels like it will never go away.

You feel at peace, free from the pain that enslaved you for so long. It’s a good thing to feel these great feelings.

Allow them to happen but realize that attachment of emotion good or bad will stunt further growth.

After the feelings of intense positivity may come a period of crashing low emotions. Rollercoasters of emotion is a major sign of awakening.

It is best to keep a solid spiritual practice that keeps you balanced.

Meditation, grounding, prayer, and physical activity will help you adjust to your higher frequency of Being.

You’ll find yourself uncovering and healing old wounds embedded deep in your subconscious.

If you feel as though you’re going crazy this is perfectly normal. Awakening is like no other human experience.

Connect with your Source and Higher Self for support. Truth, beauty, love, and grace are always available to you.

3. You start to realize that change in your inner world is the key to long-lasting happiness

For years I’ve suffered from feelings of lack of self-worth and love. Perhaps you can relate. I always looked to my outer world for approval and support. This of course was a disaster.

The more I looked to the outside for help the more suffering I endured. It wasn't until I started to take control of my health that I started to notice positive change internally. This was the key to ease my suffering.

No matter how much you seek happiness from your outside world it will always be fleeting.

Yes, you’ll experience moments of “happiness” from external pleasures but true long-lasting happiness comes from within.

The more you go within and start healing the most tender parts of yourself, the more you’ll experience longer periods of peace.

Many of us think that the optimal career or our soulmate is happiness.

Yes, these things are good and will support you. But in order to experience true peace and happiness, you have to access that from within.

Every day I seek internal peace like a root drawing up water.

If you consistently go within for your happiness this is a major sign of awakening.

4. The present moment starts to become your main focal point

Another big symptom of a spiritual awakening is the developing fascination with the present moment.

Being told that the present moment is all we have is one thing.

Actually Being and embodying the present moment is something entirely different.

Many of us (myself included) live much of our days in the past or future. We lament about the past. Reliving traumas over and over.

Or we constantly project ourselves into the future. Planning, scheming that one day everything will be perfect.

This doesn't help our spiritual body.

The truth is that the future is not guaranteed.

We create the future in the present.

If we lose focus on this more suffering and disappointment occurs.

Lately, I’ve been reading the book Fear by Tich Nhat Hanh. One passage stuck out to me.

He suggests that every time we feel fear of the future we should breathe in saying, “ I have arrived” and breathe out saying “ I am home.”

This exercise works wonders if you put it into daily practice.

Gently remind yourself that all you have is now. It’s quite liberating. And you can quickly get yourself out of unnecessary suffering.

The more you do this the more true it will become.

Most of the symptoms I described above are more positive. But there is a dark side to awakening.

These symptoms include:

  • Depression (dark night of the soul)
  • Insomnia
  • Energy surges throughout the body (making you feel fatigued or stressed after)
  • Feelings of loss and loneliness
  • Loss of appetite or bouts of emotional eating
  • Fatigue that may last for months on end

All of these symptoms vary.

Hopefully, in the not too distant future, you’ll continually experience a life filled with peace, love, happiness, and abundance as you ascend in consciousness.

Here’s a meditation that will help you awaken with less pain

Download “The Grounding Experience.” This meditation will help you stay calm and centered as you shift into higher levels of consciousness. Mother Earth is here to support you.




Merchant Kings by Stephen R. Bown. In the 1600s, the English and the Dutch were major commercial rivals, and their conflicts erupted in a series of Anglo-Dutch wars. As a small part of this, the English took a small, poorly managed colony called New Amsterdam. The residents of that colony resented their government, and thus the English were able to take over the island without a shot. The English renamed it New York:

















1. Universe appears to awareness 2. Universe appears in awareness 3. Universe is not other than awareness


You are not the body and mind you are Eternal Spirit trapped in the body, you have forgotten over many incarnations. The Matrix is your own bio computer brain machine that keeps You in the illusion of being a physical Being in a physical world via the nervous system and the five senses. Meditation is putting the body and mind to sleep but staying Awake and Alert inside so you can re experience your Self as Eternal Spirit again, If you remain in this state after Meditation its called Nirvana, Samadhi, The Tao,Born again (Jesus) , Heaven within Luke 17 21b Cosmic Consciousness, Self Realization Yogananda, The Inner Witness Krishnamurti, Obtaining the golden fleece Greek mythology, Satori , Know - Thy SELF ,Socrates, Leaving the Body by Ramana Maharshi (Vedanta ), etc etc all the same. THAT IS THE TRUTH Guardiantext😳org The Matrix Page 8.









24-7: Dr. Jung attended the Indian Science Congress in 1937 and received an honorary degree from the University of Calcutta




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