Monday 1 November 2021


 DWM Nobiletin — a citrus flavonoid found in tangerines and oranges — can increase weight loss, reduce obesity, and stop the development type 2 diabetes and heart disease.






Jesse Sutton (unfortunately no relative of my family, I believe) had the most important trick in his answer. That is this: For every serving, use two regular eggs PLUS the yolk only from a third egg. I know this to be true in the 1970’s at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC and in the 2010’s at the Four Seasons Hotel, Austin Texas. This is the “Hotel Blend” that’s unique in taste and texture to warrant the $20 plate of scrambled eggs. So in conclusion, the yolk only (that’s the yellow part) added to regular eggs results in a superior and unless you know it impossible to duplicate dish. (And you do now so there’s no excuse) As far as the butter and other particulars like the type and temperature of the pan, I yield to the other Sutton, Mr Jesse Sutton or Chef Sutton. Happy breakfast!


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