Wednesday 10 November 2021


 "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

-- John C. Maxwell

However, according to a recent study, stretching is more effective than brisk walking for people with hypertension or those at increased risk of developing it.


Accept who you are; and revel in it."

-- Mitch Albom

Highly intelligent people are more likely to be generous and altruistic, psychological research finds


I think this statement is one of the most amazing ideas ever, and it’s a cold hard truth. Carl Sagan articulated this idea with great verve in his TV series Cosmos:

The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we've learned most of what we know. Recently we've waded a little way out, maybe ankle deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”

Human beings are the only known arrangements of atoms in the cosmos that are INTELLIEGENT -sentient and can reflect upon existence. Thus, we are a part of the cosmos that can observe itself, and we’re born of the universe’s children, the stars. It’s a romantic truth, backed up with hard science, and one that everyone should know.


 I completely agree that we are a form of the universe/multiverse experiencing itself. I would like to add that we are by no means the only form. Yes, we are the only configuration that we humans have seen do so explicitly, but even if the universe/multiverse is finite (which I personally believe is an impossibility) there are still so many locations where conscious entities could exist, and on every relative size scale, from microscopic to cosmic. If an entity was made up of galaxies as atoms or cells would we be able to see their existence? I’m not stating definitively that these entities exist, but knowing how fractal everything appears to be it certainly makes sense to me that it’s a strong possibility. Consciousness is an energy left out by current scientific models and it makes sense to me that it dwells in many if not all things. I tend to believe it will eventually be found to play a part in the current problems of dark matter (too much gravity given the amount of observed matter) and/or dark energy (responsible for the expansion of the universe) and/or connecting the laws of general relativity with quantum theory.



Read at your own RISK. I may hurt your feelings!
(Number 10 is my personal favorite)

  1. You’re walking towards DEATH
  2. You’re replaceable in every field. From your family to your job.
  3. None is responsible for making you happy, it’s not other people’s job(not even your spouse’s). You make your own happiness. Others just amplify it sometimes!
  4. Your parents are not saints! They can be wrong most of the time. Don’t depend on them blindly!
  5. Your friends are not as loyal as you think.
  6. Hiding emotions is not a great virtue, it’s just an act of a weak person who tries to pretend to strong.
  7. Hating people for your belief is just a waste of time and energy.
  8. The organization you work in isn’t your family.
  9. Saying sorry can make your life easier than you think!
  10. “Good Behavior” is the most important thing that people will remember about you.


Vishnu means the omnipresent one or the name explains his vyaapti and Narayana means the one who indwells inside everything that exists or the name explains his vyaapti as antarayaami of all sentient and insentient beings. Both names belong to the same lord. So, no chance that one is supreme and another is not. First name says that he is omnipresent and the second name says that he is omnipresent and also explains how he is omnipresent..


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