Monday 29 November 2021






The speed of light is approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (or 671,000,000 miles per hour, if that’s how your brain works). The theory of special relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, forbids anything from traveling faster than that. Massless things always travel this speed in a vacuum. Accelerating massive objects to this speed essentially introduces a divide-by-zero in one of special relativity’s equations; it would take infinite energy to accelerate something with mass to the speed of light.


“If you fast-forward 100 billion years into the future, all of the galaxies that we can currently see will be so far, and accelerating so quickly away from us, that the light they emitted in the past will have faded from view.”


This quantum-ness means that if you try to peer too closely, you’ll run into the observer effect: Attempting to see things this small requires bouncing light off of them, and the energy from this interaction can fundamentally change that which you’re attempting to observe.


 Werner Heisenberg discovered that the wonkiness of quantum mechanics introduces minimum accuracy with which you can measure certain pairs of mathematically related properties, such as a particle’s position and momentum. The more accurately you can measure one, the less accurately you can measure the other. And finally, even attempting to measure just one of those properties becomes impossible at a small enough scale, called the Planck scale, which comes with a shortest length, 10^-35 meters, and a shortest time interval, around 5 x 10^-44 seconds.


“You take the constant numbers that describe nature—a gravitational constant, the speed of light, and Planck’s constant, and if I put these constants together, I get the Planck length,” said James Beacham, physicist at the ATLAS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider. “Mathematically, it’s nothing special—I can write down a smaller number like 10^-36 meters… But quantum mechanics says that if I have a prediction to my theory that says structure exists at a smaller scale, then quantum has built-in uncertainty for it. It’s a built-in limit to our understanding of the universe—these are the smallest meaningful numbers that quantum mechanics allows us to define.”





B  Magic is, of course, "real." In the sense that it appears. I've read and heard a few bits and pieces about a few different kinds of magic. Shamanism, witchcraft, exorcism, demonology, Western mystery, paganism, "modern" new age, Daoist, but also, Tibetan Buddhist, Thai Buddhist, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, etc. I had a friend from Tunisia who told me how (black) magic is practiced in that country.

Is Buddhism different? Is what Buddhist Monks are doing "magic?"

Well, yes. Actually it is.

So what's the difference between Harry Potter and the Lotus Born Guru?

I think the word "magic" refers to any "play" with the appearances of the world. "Magic tricks" are play with the appearances of the world. But even authentic (e.g.) Witchcraft or practice of magic is still just a play on appearances. It just uses other subtle energy currents of the coarse elements. Splashing around in the subtle elements the way one might splash around in the element of water.

IF we consider that the spiritual dimension has a structure, in the same way that the physical dimension has a structure... for example inside cells we have empty space, and the appearance of protons neutrons and electrons, then... empty space... until it's only just empty space... the ultimate nature of the universe is self-liberated and no fixed identity exists anywhere... and yet - a universe seems to appear, like countless moonlight mirages reflecting in puddles...

What is the structure of the spiritual dimension?

Well, it's this. The appearances of the world, when looked at closely, are found to disappear. Their apparent identity resolves. When one looks at the fundamental level for their identity, as they "discover" "it" they recognise that it is in fact identityless.

All phenomena are appearing inside the nature of mind. This term, nature of mind, points to something that is beyond words and yet is "where" experience and phenomena seem to appear. Where is it?

It is neither here nor there. It neither exists nor doesn't exist. If I understand correctly, this principle is called "madhyamaka". (Experienced practitioners please confirm if I am using the term Madhyamaka correcetly in this case).

"Realizing" the nature of the mind through direct experience is the bullseye target of Buddhist practice. Everything else is a skillful means that serves to buttress this goal.




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