Friday 5 November 2021


 “The future never comes. Life is always now.” ~Eckhart Tolle


“No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future.” ~Umar


“Hope is what enables us to keep going in the face of adversity.” ~Jane Goodall


I will suggest a simple technique.

Imagine that you know no language. Imagine that you are an ancient pre-language human being.

Now, if you are hungry, you are aware of the hunger. You don't verbalise within your own mind, ‘Oh, I am hungry. I need to eat’.

Get back to those instincts without verbalising them in your mind.

Very soon, you will realise the awareness which is ‘I am’.

If your hand is cut, you are simply aware of the pain.

If your lover smiles, you are simply aware of your gushing love.

It is just kicking out a old habit stuck to the DNA, with little conscious practice.

Just de-verbalise your self-communication. ‘I am’ is the immediately realised.


A  Liberated Atmans will never go back to Samsara.

Your query however has some weight as there are 4 different types of Liberations.

Saalokyam (to be present in the World of our Lord) Saameepyam (to be present in the staff attending to the Lord) Saaroopyam (to be present in the form of the Lord) Saayujyam (to be one with the Lord)

The last one is the true liberation, once attained is the ultimate. The first three though are far better than Swarga or even Brahma Loka, there still is a chance of jiva falling in Maya and would need to incarnate to clear off those karma.








Obstacles on Spiritual Path

by  | Nov 4, 2021 | BuddhaBuddhaFearIn- LawsMarriageMiseryRelationshipSamsaraSelf-EffortTemporary


JGD Ekta ji, I have registered for the Silence course but I am so scared of my in laws. They would not approve my absence for 5 days. I have almost decided to not attend the course. But I am very restless to attend. I am stuck between family and spirituality. I have started getting thoughts as to why I got married. I know I need to go through my karma but I want to be on the spiritual path. Please suggest the right thing to do now.



These little obstacles come in every spiritual seekers way but you must learn to pass these obstacles skillfully, happily and with love.

Buddha story:

There were big obstacles even in Buddha’s way. He still gave highest priority to his own spiritual thirst. He left his palace, his kingdom, the opportunity to become a king, he left his wife and his child. All this he did, not because he wanted to run away from his responsibilities, but because there was an inner thirst, a greater calling happening inside of him. When the calling was so strong, he had to leave his kingdom behind.

The story goes on when he tells his sarthi [charioteer] to take the chariot as far away from the kingdom as possible. The sarthi follows orders, then Budhha gets down from the chariot and he tells his sarthi to take back all the ornaments and kingly clothes and the chariot back to the palace. He says, ‘I am going away. All this is futile. Kingdom, money, women, family are all temporary and passing pleasures. I am going in search of the higher truth. That is calling me.”

The sarthi replies, “How can you leave behind all this? Look behind, in the distance is your beautiful palace, your dear wife and child, your kingdom. People would die to be in your shoes. You are our next King. Everything would burn to ashes without you”

Budhha turned back and looked at the palace and said, “It is already burning. What is temporary, is temporary. If it has to go one day, it has already gone for me NOW. If this body is going to die one day, it is already dead NOW.”

And Buddha walked away!

I am not saying to leave your family and go away to the forest. That might have been appropriate for Buddha! It may not be appropriate for you.

All I am saying is recognize that your bondage is temporary, it is mind-made, recognize your calling and walk towards it. In this age of technology, even spirituality can be followed from home. Walk the path of your inner calling. Everything else, family, friends, etc. will fall into place automatically! If you are at peace, you can make your family happy! If you are not at peace, then you cannot spread joy & happiness…. The equation is simple!


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