Wednesday 11 March 2020


Steven Ussery
Steven Ussery, 66-year-old husband, grandfather, and amateur philosopher
I have a close friend who died of painful esophageal cancer about six years ago. It took him three years to slowly die. He was told at the initial diagnosis that he had only six months to live. Instead he courageously clung to life by sheer willpower. I plan on being just like him.
My father is 93 and in poor health and yet he loves his life and will take every minute of it that he can get. The same with my mother.
I am currently 66. My doctor recently told me that I am healthier than most of his 35-year-old patients. I love being alive since, at 66, my life was never better than it is right now. And, I do mean at any time in my life. Life is great! I would feel exactly the same way, and not one ounce less, if I was in very poor health.
Life is the thing of highest value because without life nothing has value. A universe with no living creatures in it would be neither good nor bad because there would be nothing in the universe to arrive at that evaluation. The universe would merely exist — end of story. Hence, life is the necessary precondition for things of value. That seems to be clear enough to me.
And, that is why I’ll take every second of life I can get — no matter the conditions attached to it. I am no stranger to pain and suffering. I have experienced it first hand many times in my life. Still, that does not change my attitude toward life itself.

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