Thursday 28 December 2017

Public funerals, burials and commemoration also found their parallel in the cities of the empire. Those who had served their communities well might receive a funeral and a monument paid for out of public funds. This was often noted in the inscriptions that adorned funerary memorials. The epitaph of Aulus Umbricius Scaurus, a duovir from Pompeii, recorded how he was honoured by the erection of an equestrian statue in the forum and

Public funerals, burials and commemoration also found their parallel in
the cities of the empire. Those who had served their communities well
might receive a funeral and a monument paid for out of public funds. This
was often noted in the inscriptions that adorned funerary memorials. The
epitaph of Aulus Umbricius Scaurus, a duovir from Pompeii, recorded how
he was honoured by the erection of an equestrian statue in the forum and

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