Thursday 28 December 2017


The Medes, and with them a closely related race, the Persians, came originally from what we call the
steppes of Turkestan, where they had become better horsemen than any other previous race of the ancient
world. They had wandered down by the shores of Lake Aral and the south end of the Caspian Sea and
had settled, the Medes in the mountains to the east of the Fertile Crescent on the borders of Assyria, and
the Persians on the east of their Gulf. By destroying Elam, and the strongly organised little kingdom
which had long existed in the north round Lake Van, Assyria had removed their chief rivals, and when
Nineveh fell, the Medes spread into and beyond north Assyria, into what we should call Armenia, and
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/sodindo/D...e_Ancient_World_by_Tenen_(html-text-pic)/04.htm (14 of 17) [6/19/2002 3:36:25 PM]
Chapter Four - The Rise And Fall Of Israel
beyond that to the river Halys, the old Hittite centre (p. 40). The Persians occupied Elam with its ancient
capital Susa.

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