Thursday 28 December 2017

But the Hebrews, in spite of their numerous backslidings, were developing a new idea of God. Even when He was looked upon simply as the jealous tribal God of the Hebrews, He was their One and Only God, and an invisible spirit who had no images, a great advance this upon any previous religions. The southern and more lonely area, where life was simpler, tended to hold purer religious ideas. The north was inclined to be more tolerant of its neighbours' gods.

But the HBRWS, in spite of their numerous backslidings, were developing a new idea of God. Even
when He was looked upon simply as the jealous tribal God of the Hbrws, He was their One and Only
God, and an invisible spirit who had no images, a great advance this upon any previous religions. The
southern and more lonely area, where life was simpler, tended to hold purer religious ideas. The north
was inclined to be more tolerant of its neighbours' gods.

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