Sunday, 2 February 2025



  • "You are the unchanging awareness that is ever-present. The mind and body are temporary, but you are the eternal witness to both."

  • "When the mind is silent, the self reveals itself. The mind can never understand the self, because it is only in stillness that the truth is perceived."

  • "Freedom is not an achievement; it is the discovery of the already existing presence."

  • "The search for liberation is a paradox. You are already free; you simply don't realize it."

  • "Truth is not something that can be understood; it can only be experienced directly, beyond words and concepts."

  • "The essence of who you are is the silence between thoughts. It is the space in which everything arises and dissolves."

  • "You are not what you think you are. Your true nature is beyond the confines of the body and mind."

  • "In the absence of the ego, everything is pure and undivided. There is only wholeness, the totality of existence."

  • "To know yourself is to be yourself. It is not about becoming someone, but about realizing who you already are."

  • "The moment you stop seeking, you will see that you are already what you have been searching for."

  • A

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