Sunday, 26 January 2025

“who wishes to fight must first count the cost” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War



That is just the ‘play’ pf Life, and it is an illusion. In Reality, there is no watcher, no ego, and no ‘you’ who can ‘stay’ in one state or another. All is just a projection of Consciousness, even the ‘you’ who thinks it is successfully being a ‘watcher’ during meditation, then tussles with this other part of ‘you’ called ‘ego’ after meditation ends. There are no two parts to You. Just One Consciousness enjoying Itself through this shell, this temporary illusion called ..... Your mind may believe there is a separate ‘you’ that oscillates between being in the meditative peace of the ‘watcher,’ and constant disturbance of ‘ego,’ Don’t believe this lie. Don’t identify with your mind, even for one minute. Know that You are only Sat-Chit-Ananda (pure Existence - pure Awareness - pure Being) and allow everything to be As It is, including some illusory ‘ego’ that seems to run around disturbing the ‘state’ you were in, in meditation.


I only wish I could experience ‘that’ and not ‘try’, because trying is also the work of the ego. I wish I could just be! I will contact you in case another bubble arises.


I have a question about your comment “Dropping into your true witnessing awareness makes you instantly free”. Though I am completely lost in my own thoughts almost all the time (to the point I don’t even realize that it is a thought), there are a few rare moments where there are no thoughts (in meditation and some other times too). However, the moment a thought arises, I am hopelessly lost in the thought again, there is no observing any more or awareness of the thought (at least until much later). Does this mean for that brief moment when there are no thoughts, ‘I’ was ‘free’. I realize later that there was no ‘I’ at that moment to even feel anything in that moment. Even later, when ‘I’ am back and reflect on that moment, it does not feel special. When people talk about realization, is it the same state, but being in that state even when there are thoughts and other worldly things going on and being able to witness? If so, why do they say it is blissful when in my ultra brief thoughtlessness state ‘I’ did not feel any bliss either in that moment or even when I reflected back on that moment?



Does this mean for that brief moment when there are no thoughts, ‘I’ was ‘free’.

“You” were free even when there was many thoughts passing. Let’s say you live in a location where it’s very cloudy 95% of the time, but every once in a while the sun breaks through. Does that mean the sun was only there when things cleared up? No. It was there all the time. The clouds obscured it. So your thoughts obscure your natural ‘free’ nature as pure Awareness. But it’s always there.

The difference is, the sky doesn’t mind the clouds or how much they obscure the sun, whereas “you” (ego) mind the thoughts and how much they obscure your true nature. Since you can’t get rid of the flood of thoughts…simply don’t mind them.

When people talk about realization, is it the same state, but being in that state even when there are thoughts and other worldly things going on and being able to witness?

If so, why do they say it is blissful when in my ultra brief thoughtlessness state ‘I’ did not feel any bliss either in that moment or even when I reflected back on that moment?

It is neutral. Not happy or sad, empty or fulfilled, barren nor ecstatic. Dwelling constantly in Being, you just are, just Awareness. At some points, the illusory “I” may say, “This feels blissful,” or “I am in bliss.” But that is just from the perspective of the false separate entity. Awareness Itself (which is all there is,) would never label it ‘blissful.’ Just What Is.



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