Monday, 27 January 2025



Teja Anand also emphasizes the importance of inner silence and meditation as tools for realizing non-duality. In his view, the mind constantly creates distractions and identifies with thoughts, emotions, and external circumstances, which cloud the perception of truth. Through practices such as mindfulness and self-inquiry, individuals can transcend the mind's fluctuations and tap into the stillness where the truth of non-duality can be directly experienced. Anand's approach is not dogmatic; rather, it is an invitation for each person to discover their own truth through direct experience, beyond belief systems and concepts. Ultimately, his teachings serve as a reminder that the separation we perceive in the world is an illusion, and the path to liberation lies in recognizing and experiencing the oneness that underlies all of existence.


Jean Klein would say “NDE’s, astral travel, souls in an afterlife, and all other ‘glimpses’ are sweets for the ego-mind. Tasty, but they have absolutely nothing to do with non-dual Reality.”


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