Friday 4 June 2021





That is … basically people think that there is a soul or permanent soul exists for each.

2,600 years ago, one of the full moon night, that view was crushed down by Gautama the Buddha.

He realized true nature of everyone and everything.

What’s the difference between oridinary enlightened person and enlightenment of Buddha?

Ordinary person only sees Dhamma/the changes related to himself or herself. For a few sharper ones, they can see more and know more. For Buddha, there is no barrier. He can know whatever he wants to know.

What is the common ground between ordinary enlightened person - Ariya and Buddha - supreme enlightened being?

They realize three marks of existence - Annisa, Dhukkha, Anatta and Four Noble Truths.

If you would like to know more details, this book might help you. Manuel of Dhamma by Ledi Sayardaw.










Life is very tricky and we must deal with it as it is. If we do not first master it ourselves we cannot help anyone else. In the seclusion of concentrated thought lies hidden the factory of all accomplishment. Remember that. In this factory continuously weave your will pattern for attaining success over opposing difficulties. Exercise your will continuosly. During the day and and night you have many opportunities to work in this factory, if you do not waste your time.

At night I withdraw from the world's demands and am by myself,an absolute stranger to the World,it is a blank.Alone with my will power, I turn my thoughts in the desired direction until I have determined in my mind excatly what I wish to do and how to do it. Then I harness my will to the right activities and create success. In this way I have effectively used my will power many times.But it won't work unless the application of will power is continuous.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Man's Eternal Quest. P.38.
[ Answered prayers ]




It is absolutely necessary for all devotees to totally surrender to their Guru. The more one can surrender to the Guru, the more he can ascertain the subtlest of the subtle techniques of yoga from his Guru. Without surrender, nothing can be derived from the Guru.
- Yogiraj Shree Lahiri Mahasaya

Babaji once said: “He who vows to sacrifice all in the quest of the Divine is fit to unravel the final mysteries of life through the science of meditation.” Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum


A wise Sage once said: “When you begin to feel the sensations of others as though they were happening in your own body, you are developing that Christ Consciousness. When you cultivate this consciousness and therein understand that everything is yours, you will have no prejudices about race or color.
In that consciousness you feel the love of a million mothers in your heart, not just for a few but for everyone. You do not imagine it, you feel it—this love that Jesus, Krishna, all of the great ones manifested—this universal intelligence and love which is called Christ Consciousness. If we meditate deeply, a love will come over us such as no human tongue can describe. Millions of thrills will pass through our heart. When you experience Divine Love it will feel as if your heart was going to burst with Love, such Love - a thousand million Loves rolled into one !”
Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum !


God is my love. God is the temple that calls my heart to unceasing worship. God is my Goal. No duty can be performed without the power borrowed from God, so my highest duty is to find Him. With that attitude of devotion and determination, one can know God.
- Paramahansa Yogananda


Behind the famous temple of Badrinath, the sacred Himalayan shrine that stands 13,000 feet above sea level, there exist a few large and small caves perched on top of nearly inaccessible cliffs. The temple is open to pilgrims only during the summer months. The rest of the year, the whole area is snowbound. Even the Namboodiri priests from Kerala who have been officiating there since the time of Shankaracharya (a saint who renovated the temple hundreds of years ago and was himself from Kerala) go down to the village of Joshi Mutt and wait for the next season. Only a few extraordinary beings continue to live and meditate in the caves even during winter

To attain higher state of consciousness and divine perception, it is necessary through meditation to withdraw the mind from its continual restless activity. In the interiorized state, spritual sensitivity, or intuition, awaken. Intuition is that power of Spirit inherited by the soul by which truth is perceived directly, without the medium of any other faculty. As the vastness of the ocean cannot be contained in small cup, so it is impossible to receive infinite wisdom in the finite cup of human intelligence. Man's consciousness must be expanded if it is to hold the illimitable ocen of truth.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Journey To Self-realization. P.298-299
[ Proof of God's existence ]




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