Saturday 5 June 2021







. A minute of kindness is more precious than a hundred years of intense austerities. You have to compensate for it.



You should learn to concentrate your thoughts. Therefore it is important to have time to be alone.
To assure your ultimate arrival in heaven, you must test the power of your prayers until you have made them effective. When I was just a little child I made up my mind that when I prayed, my prayer had to be answered. That kind of determination is the way. Every test comes then, to break your will, but God's power to respond is unlimited; the persistent continuity of your will power will bring His answer.
You should learn to concentrate your thoughts. Therefore it is important to have time to be alone. Avoid the constant company of other people. Most of them are like sponges; they draw everything out of you, and you seldom receive anything in return. It is worthwhile to be with others only if they are sincere and strong, and if each one is conscious of the other's sincerity and strength, so that you exchange noble soul qualities.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Man's Eternal Quest. P.37-38


"I have always been good; I was only dreaming that I was bad"
Don't think of yourself as a sinner. You are a child of the Heavenly Father. No matter if you are the greatest sinner, forget it. If you have made up your mind to be good, then you are no longer a sinner.
"Even an evildoer who turns away from all else to worship Me exclusively may be counted among the good, because of his righteous resolve. He will fast become a virtuous man and obtained unending peace. Tell all, O Arjuna, that My devotee never perish!"
Start with a clean slate and say: "I have always been good; I was only dreaming that I was bad."
It is true: evil is a nightmare and does not belong to the soul.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Man's Eternal Quest. P.196.
[ How to outwit temptation ]




Wisdom is the greatest cleanser."
There are three kinds of illness : physical, mental and spiritual. Physical sickness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectious disease, and accidents. Mental sickness is caused by fear, worry, anger, and others emotional inharmonies. Soul sickness is due to man's ignorance of his true relationship with God.
Ignorance is the supreme disease. When one banishes ignorance he also banishes the causes of all physical, mental, and spiritual disease. My guru, Sri Yukteswarji, often said, " Wisdom is the greatest cleanser."Trying to overcome various kinds of suffering by the limited power of material curative methods is often disappointing. Only in the unlimited power of spiritual methods may man find a permanent cure for " dis-ease' of body, mind and soul. That boundless power of healing is to be sought in God. If you have suffered mentally over the loss of loved ones, you can find them again in God. All things are possible with His help.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Man's Eternal Quest. P.81.
[ Healing by God's unlimited power ]








What did he say? To stay 'sitting in the juice'. Mother prayed to Kali: Mother, don't make me a dry monk, keep me in ' juice '.

We are shocked to hear this. Really so. With age, our knowledge increases, intelligence increases, strength, wealth, power increases, but joy decreases.
Why does this happen? Because we are the big calculators. What line to study, who to relate with, what kind of dress to wear to function, even to be a member of a union in career, we do it all by calculation. This is how we fix the debt, we become shopkeepers in life.
Sri Ramakrishna taught, don't make your life mathematics. Life is a music, it has to be sung. Like an artist, he has to be given colors and forms. That's why he said to stay in juice.
Hinduism is a daily festival. That's why the temple is decorated with so many flowers. Thousands of lamps are lit. Bad bells, coughs, cover-drums. Dance with music (bhajan, kirtan). Alpona on the ground. Banana tree at the door. The sound of the conch. The journey, the talk. Eating together. Religion life is a life of happiness.
Make life such a daily festival.
If you want to remove injustice and injustice from the society, then teach people how to build a happy life.
Unstable people, restless people, confused people, torture others. Only annoyed people disturb others. The person who is happy, does not have negative thoughts. The problem is not about life, the problem is about the mind.
So Sriramakrishna said: ′′ May you have consciousness. ′′


ধ্যান- জপের ক্ষেত্রে 'মন' টা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ । কিন্তু আমাদের অর্থাৎ সংসারী মানুষদের মন নানা বিষয়ে এত চঞ্চল থাকে, যে সব দিন সমান জপ হয় না। জপ করতে বসলেই যত চিন্তা এসে ভিড় করে। "মায়ের কথা" গ্রন্থে মা বলেছেন মনকে কিভাবে বশে আনা যায়। সেটি আজ উল্লেখ করা হলো🙏
" দেখ , মনটাকে দুভাগ করতে হয় ; একটা যেন বিবেকী , আরেকটা যেন অবিবেকী - ছেলেমানুষের মতো। বিবেকী মনটা বাপ-মায়ের মতো সর্বদা অবিবেকী মনটার পিছনে লেগে থাকবে। একটা কিছু আবোল তাবোল করলেই তাকে শাসন করবে , গালমন্দ করবে।
দেখনি , বাপ-মা যেমন দুষ্ট ছেলেটাকে বকে ঝকে। দেখবে, এইরকম কিছুদিন অভ্যাস করলেই, মনটা শায়েস্তা হয়ে আসবে। কিন্তু অবিবেকী মনে যদি একটা বিষয়ে বহুদিনের অভ্যাসের ফলে দৃঢ়সংস্কার জন্মে যায় , তাহলে শত তিরস্কারেও সেটা যেতে চায় না। তখন ওই দুর্বল মনের জন্য ঠাকুরের কাছে প্রার্থনা করবে , নইলে কোনই উপায় নেই।
তিনি ঈশ্বর - সব করতে পারেন ; তিনি একটা ছাঁচ ভেঙে আবার নতুন ছাঁচে তৈরি করতে পারেন।
ঠাকুরের ইচ্ছের কাছে দেখেছি - মানুষের মনগুলো যেন কাঁচামাটির তালের মতো হয়ে যেত ; আর তিনি যেমন ইচ্ছে তাকে তেমনি করে গড়ে তুলতেন।"
জয় মা, প্রণাম নাও, দয়া কর সকলকে🙏


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