Monday 7 June 2021









The physical world is part of the collective consciousness. You may call it God. This consciousness is like the ocean.

Your individual consciousness, who or what you are, is a drop from this ocean. The drop is not different in quality from the collective, oceanic consciousness. Only the amount differs.

Even who you are now, is merely an emanation of your original consciousness, before you were born: what may be called the soul. Only a part, one to two thirds, of your original consciousness incarnates because the whole soul cannot successfully merge with the growing fetus. The soul’s vibration is too high, and the physical body's vibration is too low. Therefore any such attempt would cause a missed abortion. When a part of the soul successfully merges with a human fetus, the body's vibration is increased, while the soul part's vibration is decreased. The decrease in the soul part's vibration causes memory loss, which means that while the soul part is merged with the body, there is no recall of anything before the birth of this physical body.

All of this is of course theory for most people. Most of us cannot know this is true. However, we can rely on the data from numerous people who have experienced superconscious life-between-lives hypnosis, who bring back this information from beyond the veil. We can further rely on reports of spiritual mediums from their encounters with disembodied spirits, and reports of near-death experiences. Lastly, we can rely on our own direct experience. It is quite possible to experience that you are in this world, but no longer of it.

Everything I write is concerned with the direct realization. When you realise you are deathless, you know. No amount of “scientific evidence” to the contrary could ever dislodge this inner certainty.

Vernon Howard, in his book “Mystic Path to Cosmic Power”, puts it like this:

Two farmers own wells. The well of the first farmer is dry. He gets water only when rainfall fills it accidentally and irregularly. That farmer is insecure and apprehensive; he is at the mercy of chance. The well of the second farmer is fed naturally and constantly by an underground stream. That farmer is relaxed and unworried.

When living from our True Source, we are relaxed and unworried.

In fact, there is no scientific evidence to the contrary, and the available scientific evidence increasingly points to the plain fact that consciousness doesn't arise from the body and isn't dependent on the body for its continuation. The emerging evidence is that the human brain and body act like a filter, reducing consciousness to the limited perceptions we can experience as human beings, even when enlightened. For example, most people aren't telepathic, whereas this is the default mode of communication in the disembodied state. The minute you separate from your physical body, you have this telepathic ability operating fully. The minute you separate from your body, you acquire the ability for 360 degree vision, and to be in several places at once. These powers aren't experienced by most people, even when enlightened.

However, what I am always concerned with, is not any amount of third party reports, scientific evidence, beliefs or speculation, but how you can directly realise that you are in this world, but not of it. This is easily possible, as soon as you learn to recognize the difference between your own thoughts and the awareness you actually are.

To realise yourself as awareness is to clearly comprehend, intuitively, non-verbally, that the body and the world are in consciousness, being appearances within consciousness. As such, nothing exists that is not consciousness.

The reason it is necessary to learn the difference between every kind of thought and awareness, is because thought causes the illusion that consciousness is in the body, and is caused by the body. Thus it now appears as if you have a beginning and end. When your body dies, you die, because you are your body. These perceptions are caused by certain kinds of thoughts, which are all intrinsically illusory.

The kinds of thoughts that cause the illusion of separation between yourself and another, between yourself and the environment, thus being the experience of being a body and mind, rather than being the awareness of the body and mind, are those that make up your self-identity. You aren't born with this self-identity. This self-identity requires language to start its development.

This self-identity begins as soon as your body is pointed out in early childhood and you are repeatedly told you are your body. Because you don't have any pre-birth memories, you gradually come to accept you are your body, through the use of language.

There is a little bird who frequently comes to my yard. We have a bright, shiny bin for disposing of garden waste, in my yard. This little bird will often spend an hour or two, facing this shiny bin, flying towards the bin, pecking at the bin, trying to get at the little competitor it sees reflected in the bin. The bird doesn't realize the bird it sees reflected is its own physical form. It thinks there is another bird. The reason is because the bird hasn't learnt language. Its body was never pointed out to it, making it believe this little body is all it is.

So, once you learn you are your body, and you fully accept it, you have a rudimentary mind-made self-identity. You now see and experience yourself as separate from others and your environment. Your brain has been neurally wired accordingly, allowing you to have this experience of being separate. From this sense of isolation arises the balance of the mentally, thought-constructed self. In due course, arising from the fundamental thought and belief that you are your body, arises all other aspects of your separate, mentally constructed self: who you know you are. Thus, you believe you are an atheist, scientist, introverted, anxious, fearful, energetic, an American and a Republican.

How would you describe yourself to me? Whatever you describe is this mind-made self, which is what you have to see through for you to experience the plain fact that the body and the world are in consciousness, and not the other way around as you currently know and experience.

Essentially, you have to see through your self-image. You believe you are your self-image. Of course you think your self-image is just an image, but your actual experience is that you are it. You experience: I am this. I am that. All the thisses and thats go to make up your self-image. To see through this acquired, false self, you must let go of all your: I am this. I am that. When “this" and “that" have been totally stripped off, only “I am" (awareness) remains. Then you directly know and experience that your body and the world are part of your consciousness. In the process, your brain has become rewired according to this new perception, which you will recognize as something you have experienced before, in early youth, before you accepted the thought that you are your body. This is why it is necessary for you to learn the difference between thoughts and awareness. For your experience that you are this or that, is entirely made of thought. The only reason you don't immediately recognize thus is because of your feelings, which give reality to your thoughts. Essentially, you confuse your thoughts with reality. When you learn to recognize your thoughts as only thoughts, your brain has been rewired, and you now realize that you are awareness (I AM) not “this" and “that" (all thoughts) you have attached to awareness.

How can you learn to recognize the difference between every thought (who or what you think you are now) and the awareness you truly are? This is really incredibly simple, but requires persistent practice.

Simply keep shifting your attention from whatever you experience, to you. You are subject. Your body, mind, thoughts and feelings are objects. You have identified with them, therefore leading to your current experience that you are this and that. By bringing attention back to you (subject), therefore withdrawing attention from what you experience (objects), you are beginning to disidentify from your body, mind, thoughts and feelings. You are beginning to recognize that you indeed suffer from mistaken identity: your belief and experience that you are your body and mind, both of which are always experienced as objects.

In bringing attention back to you (subject, to which your body and mind appears as objects), you are beginning to recognize that your problem is your identification with your body and mind. That is, you (subject) are identifying with mental objects: body, mind, thoughts and feelings.

You detect this identification through awareness of your own mental and emotional reactions. When you keep shifting attention from whatever you are experiencing, to you, you detect your own mental reactions, and you see where they are coming from. They come from you (subject), as a centre of action comprised of your mentally constructed identity: who you know you are.

Your mental reactions are all choice. Choice is thought.

Therefore, in awareness of your own mental reactions, you are beginning to recognize the difference between thoughts and awareness.

In this self-awareness, you see that your own mental reactions disturb your peace of mind. In detecting this, you realise that nobody and nothing ever hurt you. You are doing it all to yourself, through your own mental reactions: choice (thought). This realisation leads to loss of fear of the world and the people in it. You realise reality is never problematic. You (your fake identity) is the only problem.

Seeing your own mental reactions as the cause of all your suffering, you also see the alternative: not to react is to be free. So, when you bring attention back to you (subject), the very act induces mental inaction. No choice. No thought. Then you are no longer coming from your fake identity. You no longer operate from it.

As soon as you choose one thought over another, thinking one thought represents who you are, and its opposite doesn't, you are again choosing. This choice is your mental reaction, which causes your body to react, which in turn produces your emotions, which then tell you that you separate, thereby strengthening your mentally constructed identity.

In bringing attention back to you, to observe what you will do right now with whatever you are experiencing, you discover that you don't know what to do. This self-observation induces mental hesitancy. Therefore you don't react. You don't act upon what you are experiencing. You don't choose. You don't do a thing. This not-doing is awareness. This is who you really are.

Sooner or later, the experience of being a body and mind then drops off, and you then see that your body and the entire universe, exists in you (awareness), and not the other way around.

How can I say that the the world and your body being in consciousness, are self-evident, even when you haven't directly realized it yet?

When you see a mountain in the distance, your mind doesn't fly out to the mountain. The mountain actually flies into your mind, where you experience it. You don't experience anything out there, somewhere. Whatever you experience and can conceive of, are only experienced within your approximately five or six foot body. Moreover, your body itself is merely experienced in consciousness. There is no other place you can experience anything!


When you have peace in every movement of your body, and peace in your thinking, and in your will power, and peace in your love, and peace and God in your ambitions, remember -- you have connected God with your life.

~ Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,
Yogoda Satsanga Lessons


Sleeping and waking states.
When man compares his ideas relating to gross matters conceived in the wakeful state with his conception of ideas in dream, the similarity existing between them naturally leads him to conclude that this external world also is not what it appears to be.
When he looks for further explanation, he finds that all his wakeful conceptions are substantially nothing but mere ideas caused by the union of five objects of sense (the negative attributes of the five internal electricities) with the five organs of sense (their positive attributes)through the medium of five organs of action(the neutralizing attributes of the electricities).
This union is effected by the operation of Mind ( Manas ) and conceived or grasped by the Intelligence ( Buddhi ). Thus it is clear that all conceptions which man forms in his wakeful state are mere inferential Parokshajnana --- a matter of inference only.
~ Swami Sri Yuktheswar Giri,
15 - 16, The Gospel,
The Holy Science.


I would like to start out by saying that, yes, this answer looks long. I have put in a lot of valuable information and time. So you can make the choice as how much you really yearn to know. 👍 I think it would be worth it.

As mystics have known for centuries, the brain does NOT produce consciousness. That unfortunate conclusion has been proven for years to be a little tale straight out of a Dick and Jane children’s book. It is actually very difficult to believe that anyone in science still adheres to that myth. But alas, here we are.

The brain is a conduit through which Consciousness flows. Now, Theoretical Quantum Physicists know this and have put aside the archaic concept of the brain creating consciousness. They have found such a conclusion to be wholly inconsistent with how their own research has revealed the energy of this universe to work. They look upon the nature of its organic wholeness, flawless intelligence, and the energetic connections found throughout with amazement.

This entire creation is made up of Consciousness. It is the truest and purest element in existence. Universal Consciousness is manifest as a multitude of differing frequencies of energy information. These frequencies form dimensions based upon the rate of speed of they vibrate. The more Light a frequency carries, the faster it vibrates and the more information it holds. This makes a huge difference in the reality and nature of each dimension.

Consciousness flows through the brain like light flows through a prism. The instrument of the brain utilizes this Life Force to energize its various elemental components and create a complex synergy of functions. As energetic beings made up of Consciousness, we human beings then use this consciousness to perceive and create. Then we emanate our own alteration of that consciousness back into the universe as positive or negative charges of Consciousness. Positive thought, belief and intention create a positive charge. Negative thought, belief or intention creates a negative charge.

We are intricately connected with Universal Consciousness. This universal Consciousness responds in kind to our energy and returns to us “like” energy to the nature of that which we release into it. So that would be a positive return or a negative return. This is called a Karmic return. This Karma is how we learn, as conscious beings, how to be in harmony with Universal Consciousness, meaning the higher dimensions of Consciousness. It is a universal teaching device based solely upon a positive or negative charge of energy. It has nothing to do with religion, punishment, judgment or belief.

Frequencies of Consciousness are actual information. The faster their rate of speed, the more information is contained within each pulse. Dimensions are formed by the amount of information they contain. Frequencies of energy are magnetized to ‘like’ frequencies. Thus the formation of these various dimensions.

We in the third dimension live in a very slow, dense vibratory paradigm. This means there is very little information within each frequency of information. This gives way to a plethora of perceptual distortions utilized to form false conclusions about reality, and thus, ourselves. Some of these distortions are about time, space and solidity of form. A Fourth dimensional body can walk right through our ‘supposed’ solid form. It is a vibration, a wave pulse, like all else within this creation. There is no energy dimensions and then a solid matter dimension. All dimensions are energy movement.

So because we live in such a slow moving dimensional frequency, our senses can only detect less than 1% of the Electromagnetic scale and less than 1% of the Acoustical scale. This is a stunning amount of information that cannot even be detected by our senses in the third dimension, 99% of what exists! This contributes to our challenge of living in the distortion of a seemingly solid reality, and thinking we have any kind of clue as to what reality is all about. We are vibrating at this same third dimensional resonance. Higher levels of information are blocked by the Pineal gland until we do the work to activate more sophisticated energy systems within our organic structure that can reverberate with the energy codes contained in frequencies of higher dimensions.

It is then that we are able to incrementally increase our capacity to detect a great deal more of that 99% of the energy that our senses otherwise fail to detect. This is what meditation and certain other spiritual techniques and practices are about. Our Soul consciousness within our beings has the potential to assist us in raising the vibratory frequency of our minds and thus, our bodies in order to be resonant with higher forms of knowledge.

We hold within our own DNA, codes for every dimension. We have sophisticated systems within us that must be ‘booted up’ if you will, by our own choice, will and desire. Human beings must choose to spiritually evolve because they have been given free will and self authority as we are sentient beings with such magnificent potential.

This process is real, I assure you. This is how humanity evolves spiritually, which only means how it transforms itself in order to understand the highest dimensions of information and resonate with them.

The Consciousness within us flows into our third dimensional forms via our Souls. Our Souls are multidimensional structures of consciousness. So this is where the Consciousness comes from that flows into our physical forms. Our bodies are created as physical forms. The Soul directs life force into the third dimensional baby forms and this Life Force is what activates our higher centers of perceiving and living.

Consciousness flows into our bodies from the Soul’s Life Force throughout our lifetimes. Our bodies cannot remain as a functioning instrument without the Soul’s Life Force. It disengages its form and breaks down to merge with the natural elements of the Earth, unless embalmed. For there is no Consciousness intelligence creating the tension to hold its form at that point.

Consciousness flows from the Soul through the connection provided by a silver energy cord. The entire Soul is too powerful to enter into physical form. Our true identity within this universe is the Soul.

The Soul creates our physical incarnations and designs our lifetimes to suit our journey of awakening upon this planet. Earth is then, as a school in which experience teaches us. In this way we slowly awaken, or activate to remarkable knowledge that is transformative to our beings and electrifying for our Souls.

There can be no such thing as death in a purely energetic substance. I use the word substance due to the limitations of the English language to describe what it truly is. It is beyond substance.

When our physical lives are complete for this go around of Reincarnation, our Consciousness simply exits the third dimensional and takes on a higher vibrational body. This is done via thought, as the consciousness is no longer bound by the third dimension. Our consciousness can and does remain with loved ones, as in a higher vibrational body, consciousness has the capacity to be many places at once. This is part of the higher knowledge of which I have been speaking. This is difficult for the human mind to comprehend if it still believes that solid physical form is an eternal reality and there is only linear time and space. Fortunately such is not the case.

There are many physicists who have found parallels between mysticism and science in their research. One such physicist is Fritjof Capra, who teaches physics at Berkeley U. in California. He also took it upon himself to study mysticism. He is one of the more responsible scientists, willing to do his research. This revealed to him valuable insight into the absolutely undeniable parallels found in principles of Mysticism and Quantum physics. He saw for himself on a deep and transformative cellular level how the workings of Consciousness and its natural laws, differ from what science has failed to see for so long.

I would suggest you look up all of the Quantum physicists who have written books about Consciousness and the properties of Consciousness that sustain the structural integrity of this creation.

Science is not a finished product by any means. There are many things it has gotten wrong. Look them up if you cannot fathom it. I assure you there are many.

Consciousness is no more created by the brain than light is created by a light bulb, or sound is created by a radio. Form in the creation is created by Consciousness to hold and expand the potential of Consciousness. Time to amp up and turn on to a whole different, magnificent and sophisticated story, the best part of which is, that it is the TRUTH. It is the most beautiful, powerful living story conceivable! And YOU are right in the heart of it. You are in the thick of it, in the soaring flight of it and the jaw dropping depth of it. It is YOUR story. It belongs to YOU. And it lovingly awaits your remembrance of it and who you truly ARE. And, it is right within you, even as you read this.



"জাহাজ যে দিকে যাক্ না কেন কম্পাসের কাঁটা উত্তর দিকেই থাকে , তাই জাহাজের দিক ভুল হয় না;
মানুষের মন যদি ঈশ্বরের দিকে থাকে , তা হলে আর তার কোন ভয় থাকে না ।"


|| জয় মা ||
শ্রীমায়ের দীক্ষাদান🙏
এক অপরিসীম দায়িত্ব লইয়া মা তাঁহার ছেলে-মেয়েদের দীক্ষা দিতেন ৷ বলিতেন, 'আমার কাছ থেকে যারা দীক্ষা নিয়েছে, শুধু মুক্তির জন্যে তাদের সাধন-ভজনের কোন দরকার নেই ৷ মৃত্যু-সময়ে ( অর্থাৎ, প্রারব্ধ ভোগের শেষে ) সকলেই তাঁকে পাবে — নিশ্চয়ই পাবে ৷ কিন্তু কেউ যদি সদ্য ফল চায়, তবে তার সাধন-ভজন করতে হবে ৷ যে যত বেশি করবে, সে তত শিগগির পাবে ৷ যে তা না করে হৈ চৈ করে বেড়াবে, তার দেরি হবে ৷ যদি কিছুই না করে, শেষ সময়ে পাবেই — নিশ্চয় পাবে' ৷
শ্রীযুক্ত নরেশ চন্দ্র চক্রবর্তী লিখিয়াছেন, দীক্ষার পর একবার জয়রামবাটী গেলে ( ১৯২০ ) মা তাঁহাকে আর একটি নূতন বীজ দিয়া বলেন, "জন্মে জন্মে যা করেছ তার চৌদ্দ আনা খেয়ে নিলাম ৷ দু আনা রইলো — ভোগ কর ৷ সবই সময়ে পাবে, তবে একটু ঘুরিয়ে দেব ৷"
মা তাঁহার সন্তানদিগকে দেহান্তে মুক্তির অঙ্গীকারই দিয়াছেন, সদ্য মুক্তির অঙ্গীকার দেন নাই ৷ তাহার কারণও তিনি নিজেই দিয়াছেন — 'বাবা, আমি যদি এখনই সকলের সব করে দিতে যাই, তবে এ দেহের দ্বারা বহু লোকের উপকার হবে না ৷ অল্প কয়টিকে মুক্তি দিয়েই দেহ শেষ হয়ে যাবে ৷' কথা কয়টি করুণা মাখা এবং বহু সন্তানের মায়ের প্রাণ নিংড়ানো কথা ৷ তাঁহার অনেক বুঝিয়া চলিতে হইত ৷


---- A Vedanta Kesari presentation
Chapter 1
Gita Today: An Introduction
Gita not only accommodates but also harmonises all paths. A Bhakta has as much to learn from the Gita as a Jnani or a Yogi or a man of action. In Gita one finds a grand harmony of all Yogas and a possibility for discovering new ways to reach the highest state of being. What about those who seem least interested in any path? Whose minds are not clear if they should take a path or not? ‘It is My path that men tread in all ways,’ says Sri Krishna. Even the pathless ones? Yes, because even the pathless ones, too, seek happiness, peace and security in life. There is no one who seeks unhappiness, turmoil and insecurity. Hence, all men, even those who are not spiritual seekers in the conventional sense, are seeking God alone though their definition and concept of God may not be as explicitly stated as a spiritually educated man would do. Gita has enough to teach even them.
Gita's teachings are accessible, acceptable and applicable to all seekers of Truth. Since they were delivered just before the beginning of the Mahabharata War—which is symbolic of the inner war between our good and bad tendencies—the Gita easily becomes related to the harsh realities of everyday life. The advice that Sri Krishna gives to Arjuna sounds so reasonable and applicable that one never feels the aloofness and other-worldliness that is often associated with many other scriptures. As Gita deals with certain everlasting issues of life—the true purpose of life, solving moral dilemmas, taming the restless mind, learning the art of doing actions without getting attached, understanding love, compassion, charity and so on—it occupies a central position among the scriptural traditions of the world.



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