Tuesday 1 June 2021





Neither the sun nor death can be looked at steadily.
– from Reflections: Or Sentences and Moral Maxims (1665) by François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)


One cannot dictate an aphorism to a typist. It would take too long.
– from Karl Kraus (1874-1936)


dwm Weight-loss maintainers sat less — three hours less each day during the week and on weekends — than those who were not able to maintain their weight-loss. They also spent one less hour per day in a sitting activity unrelated to work. Maintainers used over twice the calories during the week in physical activity.

If you want to keep weight off, it’s not simply a matter of not sitting, but being mobile when you are not couch surfing. The message is simple: You need to sit less and move more



Awareness is different than focus.

Focus is when you concentrate on something to the exclusion of all else. Awareness is a generalized presence to all you experience at any moment.

When you drive a car you are aware of the car, of the road, of other cars, of your body, of your thoughts, but you can focus on someone trying to cut you off, or a control light that just started flashing on your dashboard. As soon as you focus on the light, you lose awareness of what happens around you, you stop noticing what other drivers are doing, you don’t pay attention to the road.

Focus narrows down and limits awareness.

What self-awareness and mindfulness aims to accomplish is to help you be as aware of yourself - your thoughts, your feelings, your sensations - as you are of the person you are speaking to, or the show you are watching, or the sink you are fixing. The mindfulness practices help to expand your awareness so that it is less focused, less centered on this or that, but instead it includes more elements, more aspects of every situation, so that in every moment you can be aware of the whole picture - yourself, people around you, the environment, what’s happening in your body, in your mind, in relationship with others - rather than focusing only on your feelings, or only on what someone is saying, or only on the weather, while missing everything else.

In this sense, to ask if being too self-aware unhealthy is like asking if having too sharp eyesight is unhealthy, or whether having a good hearing is unhealthy. Seeing more, being aware of more, usually causes far less trouble that seeing less.




The wonderful irony of the situation is that what we do for others to make them happy is what will make us happy.

b r gere One mistake is that what we take to be happiness is really just pleasure. It’s the sugar rush of sensual pleasure, or an imagined sense that if we have more money we’re happier or more secure, whatever those things may be. But these are very surface, short-lived things we are all caught up in. The wonderful irony of the situation is that what we do for others to make them happy is what will make us happy. In the fullness way beyond time, that’s what will make us happy.


In Mahayana Buddhism, there are three basic aspects of enlightenment, which are personified by three primordial bodhisattvas.
 Avalokiteshvara is the bodhisattva of compassion, love, and altruism, the infinite yearning to remove the suffering of all beings. 
Manjushri represents the wisdom of all the buddhas who really get it—what reality is, what the nature of the self is, what this universe is. That’s Manjushri. 
And the third one is Vajrapani, who is the strength and power and skill of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas.




Wherever you go, there you are.”




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