Monday 18 January 2021








Advaita meditation is a different approach from what is prescribed in a regular meditation practices. It usually doesn't require any austerities like that of abstaining from luring aspects of life and to maintain severe vows of silence and celibacy for an extended period.

They have got nothing to do with this kind of mediation. Precisely saying it aims directly at the source from which all that we perceive with our limited senses emanate. It is very difficult to summarize the whole of this idealism, but little is known about what is the end point of such an effort of advaita meditation, for it is very hard for people to follow the direct simple path.

All that you know, or have learnt are inherent or acquired after your birth. Negating all that you have acquired over the years and to strictly follow the instinct of your heart which makes everything possible is what this meditation is all about.

It is believed that, the entire cosmos is nothing more than a dream, an illusion, but rarely it has been said about the whereabouts of the dreamer. Verily it has been taught in scriptures to be aloof from the thoughts and restless notions of mind, but to meditate on the meditator or the dreamer is seldom perhaps being taught by anyone,

Advaita Meditation emphasizes on meditating on the meditator. You are so engrossed with your thoughts of being an individual and their corresponding torrent in your mind that you overlook the one who is behind the veil of these perceptions. The one whose absence would make none of these possible to come into manifestation.

When you direct your focus all the way to that source, energy would stop leaking outwardly off your senses and would be reverted back to your primal state of infinity which is indescribable.

The difference of this approach with other approaches is that, other ways point at keeping things under control, like that of your body and mind, but this approach emphasizes on directly hammering the doorway to the source instead of wandering around the wayside of puny attempts to follow the trails of that source in this or that.

To know more: What is Beyond the Darkness of Closed Eyes.


Advaita 'Non Duality' Vedanta Philosophy

Realizing the state of 'Consciousness' or 'Brahman' or 'Holy Spirit'
or 'Buddha' or 'God Awareness' is the main theme of the Advaita Vedanta
Philosophy, which follows the intellectual path to God realization in
the Hindu religion. 'I, the ego' and its experience of the world is
considered as a veil (Maya) to one realizing one's true nature, that is
Consciousness, and being in a state of permanent happiness. Until the
veil is removed, 'I, the ego' experiences sorrow in an endless cycle of
desires and experiencing temporary happiness.

Multiple paths are shown in Hinduism to help a person focus on an
entity outside his 'I, the ego'. All the three paths reach the same goal
of realizing Consciousness. Some paths take more time for an individual
than others to realize Consciousness and it depends on the level of
intellectual maturity and the sincerity towards the goal, that the
person has. The three different paths are;

Karma Yoga - The path of focused work - Focused work performed
for the sake of work alone without letting 'I, the ego' take ownership
of the work or experience the fruits of the work is called Karma yoga.

We have worked in projects in which we were so involved or focused on
the work, that we forgot 'I, the ego' as the doer of the work and were
not aware of the people around us or realize the time fly by and
produced great work as a result. Being stressed or anxious about work,
where 'I, the ego' is the one that is stressed or anxious does not
necessarily make the work any better.

Bhakti Yoga - The path of devotion - Devotion to God and
worshiping a phenomenon outside your 'I, the ego' is called Bhakti
Yoga. In all religions whether it is worshiping a person, ideas in a
book, idol or holy spirit, the common factor is the worship of an
entity outside 'I, the ego'. Hinduism considers all religions as
different versions of the same truth and as different paths that lead to
the same goal of realizing Consciousness.

Jnana Yoga - The path of intellectual inquiry - The
intellectual inquiry used to realize Consciousness is called Jnana Yoga.
Of all paths this is the most direct path of realizing 'Consciousness'
or 'God Awareness'. Calming the mind and realizing Consciousness can be
realized right here, right now and does not take years of
transformation as required by the other paths like Karma Yoga or Bhakti
Yoga. The other paths are recommended for people whose intellect is not
mature enough for intense intellectual inquiry like young kids for whom
the 'Path of Devotion' is prescribed. Advaita Vedanta Meditation
technique falls under the path of intellectual inquiry.

The Upanishads were the earliest books that documented the Advaita
Vedanta Philosophy. They were written in Sanskrit and the knowledge in
the books were further restricted to a particular class of people by a
system of teacher to student initiation (Guru Sishya Parampara).
Multiple treatises or interpretations to the Upanishads were written by
Adi Sankara and his guru Gaudapada. Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta
Maharaj, Papaji and Mooji have spoken about Advaita in a simple way that
a layman not well versed in Sanskrit can also understand. Also English
and other language translations of Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita have
taken the Advaita message in Upanishads to a larger world audience.

Advaita Vedanta Philosophy says that there is no Duality, or
an existence of a separate 'I, the ego' outside the state of
'Consciousness' experienced in meditation. Experience of the world and
the desire of material objects to serve 'I, the ego' is an endless cycle
of sorrow, which can be broken by an intellectual inquiry of 'Who am
I?' and arriving at a conclusion that the 'Non Duality' or the state of
'Consciousness' is all that exists.

All beings have a 'Will to live' and strive for happiness. In search
of happiness the 'Will to live', generates thoughts or
desires like attraction to opposite sex, seeking material objects,
wealth etc to serve 'I, the ego'. But happiness
experienced when a desire is met is never permanent. 'I, the ego' again
experiences sorrow and seeks out another desire in a never
ending cycle.

This is similar to a 'hamster in a wheel' where each step that a
hamster takes, it thinks that it will get it out of the cycle, but each
step leads to another in a never ending cycle. Similarly each thought or
desire towards material objects, lust etc when realized will experience
temporary happiness, then sorrow and seek out another thought or desire
in a never ending cycle. In a way we humans are no different than a
'hamster in a wheel'.

Seeking happiness in the material world and getting caught in the endless cycle of desires and experiencing sorrow is the
same conclusion arrived by Buddha, Sages in Upanishads and by western philosophers like Schopenhauer.

The solution that Advaita Philosophy provides to break out of this
cycle of desires towards material objects, also called
'Maya' is to inquire or meditate within oneself with a question, 'Who am
I? To whom does the thoughts or the desires come for?'. The inquiry
provides the answer that all desires come to serve 'I, the ego' the
imagination of who you are.

When you say 'I, the ego' does not exist, the thoughts of desires that arise have no one to serve and they immediately die.

This state of thoughtlessness experienced in Advaita Meditation and the breath awareness that swells in your heart is called
'Brahman' or 'Consciousness' or 'Buddha' or 'God awareness'. If you are Consciousness then all the beings around you
are also Consciousness. Consciousness is all that is. Be free and be eternally Happy. Practice Non-violence and Compassion
towards all living beings.

Now having realized Consciousness, continue your work for the sake of
work alone focused in a state of trance. Do not allow 'I, the ego' to
take ownership
or enjoy the fruits of the work performed but let 'I, the Consciousness'
take ownership of the work performed. This is called 'Karma

Stay in the present. Do not regret about the past or worry about the future. Stay in the present in Consciousness.
Consciousness is all that is. Be free and be eternally happy.

In summary Advaita Philosophy says, 'Kill your ego, realize Consciousness and get to work'.


Advaita Vedanta Meditation Technique

Simple Stress and Anxiety relief Meditation Technique for beginners

This Advaita Vedanta Meditation technique is inspired by the
teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Practice of the Meditation Technique
even for five to ten minutes daily will help reduce your stress and
anxiety and help you better focus on the task at hand. You begin the
meditation with a simple question, Who am I?

The goal of the three stages of Advaita meditation technique is to go
beyond your Body (Stage 1) and your Mind generating thoughts (Stage 2)
and stay in the Stage of 'thoughtless mind' or 'breath awareness' called
Consciousness (Stage 3). Each time you slip from Stage 3 to Stage 2,
follow the technique to progress and stay in Stage 3. Try to stay in
Stage 3 at-least for a few minutes initially. Slowly with daily practice
you can stay in Stage 3 for 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes.

Close your eyes and follow the Stages from One to Three

Stage One : You are not the Body

Start by asking yourself a simple question, 'Who am I?'

Am i the body? Is my body permanent? What happens to my body after
death? Your body is not permanent as it goes through the stages of
birth, adulthood, old age and disintegrates after death. So you are not
the body.

If I am not the body, then who am I?

Stage Two : You are not the Mind with all its thoughts

Am I the mind, that generates the thoughts or desires?

When a thought or desire arises ask a question, To whom do the thoughts or desires come for?

All thoughts or desires come to serve 'I, the ego' the imagination of
who you are. I, the ego is the first imaginary thought created by the
mind and all other thoughts come to serve the first imaginary thought
'I, the ego'. When there is no 'I, ego' your thoughts or desires have no
one to serve and they immediately die. This state of thoughtlessness is
the goal of all meditation techniques.

Imagine your 'I, the ego' as an imaginary bubble that you have
created and all other thoughts that arise are bubbles that attach to the
imaginary bubble 'I, the ego'. When the bubble 'I, the ego' bursts all
other thought bubbles that come to serve 'I, the ego' also burst. You
are in a state of thoughtless calm mind.

If you are not the mind, with all its thoughts then who are you?

Stage Three : Consciousness is all that is

You are not the body, that disintegrates after death or the mind,
that generates thoughts or desires to serve 'I, the ego'. Then who are

The breath awareness that swells in your heart in a state of
thoughtlessness is Consciousness. Consciousness is all that is. For the
intellect to realize one's true nature and be in state of
'Consciousness' or 'God awareness' is a way to achieve permanent
happiness in life. Feel the breath awareness in your heart and closing
your eyes look between your eyes in the forehead. Stay in the
thoughtless state in a state of Consciousness or God Awareness. This is
the most peaceful place in the whole world.

If random thoughts distract you, follow the instructions in Stage 2
to get rid of the thoughts and move to the state of Consciousness in
Stage 3

You are Consciousness. Stay in consciousness and be eternally happy.

Practice the Three Stage Advaita Meditation technique daily. A few
minutes of practice is superior and more effective than reading
hundreds of books on the subject.


What we need is Star Peace and not Star Wars. - Mikhail S. Gorbachev



Negative emotions like sadness and anger are linked to higher levels of inflammation in the body, which can compromise the immune system.

Higher inflammation is part of the body’s response to things like infections and wounds.

Chronic inflammation can lead to health problems like cancer, heart disease and obesity.


MLK Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.”


















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