Thursday 7 January 2021




Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-- Malcolm S. Forbes


- Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. - Lord Buddha


The art of being wise is the artof knowing what to overlook.~ William James


Many years ago I had a spiritual awakening experience that left me feeling that for the first time in my life, I was awake.

The difference between normal life and this state of awakening was as between being asleep and awake. I knew things that were true about the universe and myself that were profound and sublime, things I felt I was not learning, but only remembering.

The day after was great.

I had so much energy to learn more, to get back to that space, and to experience life from a whole new perspective.

I saw the world as my big mind, to borrow a phrase from Zen. All that happened was a part of me. I took the experience as validation that there really was more to life than what we normally see and believe, and it was the first day of my intensified search for God, the truth, and myself.

That’s how the adventure began!


By this time in life, I had meditated on and off for over ten years.

In the months before these experiences, I had prioritized my spiritual life, getting a job out of college that allowed me to have flexibility with my time.

I had dedicated myself to meditation for at least a couple of hours a day (usually late at night), and I was also reading a lot of spiritual writings and contemplating too.

I’ve written about this and other experiences in many posts here including this one: G Tyler Wright's answer to What do people mean by “watch your thoughts while meditating”? Who is watching whose thoughts? Am I different from my thoughts? Who is the one being watched and who is the one who is watching?

One of my books, “Enlightenment Now” talks about this in more detail and gives my experience of the best ways to understand spiritual paths.


 all so simple but the ego is always against u for u threaten its existence


 Actual enlightenment is different, as I understand it anyway. It is simply the loss of the personal sense.


In my 45 years of systematic practice and learning about the science behind it , in classical or traditional schools called purvashrams , with intense , mediocre and ascetic meditation practices under almost 45 traditions belonging to Vedic and Non Vedic schools of spirituality , tibetan and non tibetan meditative practices, teravada meditation traditions ,

Having studied under gurus, theory of six traditional schools of sciences of observation called shatdarshanas , many people like you get confused with these Naimittika savikalpa samadhi experiences to spiritual enlightenment or awakening. These experiences while explain about your previous birth etc…journey in to working with various samadhi practices involving at conscious and subconscious level which are called in standard language Grahya,Grahana practices …, they are spontaneous spiritual experiences involving the field of entropy or super advanced bfields of consciousness , but it is not enlightenment.

Like any science ,engineering or medicine , one cannot become a scientist ,good engineer or a surgeon without developing a skill or wisdom. There is somuch systematic way of progressive learning that takes place behind any science . No one spontaneously becomes a doctor,engineer or scientist , so also saint, Yogi , rishi , Muni, monk ,Abbot etc…cannot become one enlightened without knowing science, technology and intense practice behind it.

One should understand that Buddha's ,Krishna's, Ramas,Jesus,Prophet s etc…are not born , but accomplished the enlightenment with sheer hard work and developing wisdom and transformation to become selfless and served the society . The transformation is in becoming selfless,all compassionate , unconditional love for all beings etc…are just few traits.

Those saints and Yogi's or lamas in ancient India , have practiced intense meditation for somany years with right technic and coach, still it had taken considerable time for them enlightened.

The technic of self realisation or Atma Vidya or Brahma jnana or self actualisation is a great technical tool to burnn fuel of karma through systematic way of observation of the world of duality.

As ones entropy comes down and reaches to least single quantum state of energy before it vanishes to experience the state of singularity or immortality …. It requires right school and right teacher who experienced that state . The technic whether you call Buddhist or Hindu , its called siddhanta vicharana …Vidya which means path of wisdom

Discreminatiin of what is permanent, impermanent, happiness and unhappiness , soul or non soul/spirit

pure and impure. It is not an intellectual understanding but practice that removes the delusion ,illusion ,hallucinations ….

There are powers , realisations of fields of consciousness etc…but all these are still fields of consciousness only …

Which need to be given no importance at all .Samadhi experiences have no role to play other than assisting the process of purification at unconscious level / grahitru …

Parabrahma, paramatma,holy spirit,Allah , Kaivalya ,singularity or advaita etc… is not a spontaneous realisation but it required systematic understanding and practice. That is how those saints,rishi's etc…guru shishya parampara etc…to accomplish the journey.

These days mantras, visualisations, kundalinis, etc…have been protrayed as tools of enlightenment , but they are only intermittent tools…not a final tool. That is why, exoerience had no meaning in India, infact those who shown them or attained them called demon Kings ravana,naraka,basma asuras…who perform magic, miracles…etc…

While world is blind, any one can talk anything these days from spiritual attainments to enlightenment. Lots of psuedo practices. A person like me …when I look at the people who talk about this world of experiences …I just feel…how to help…and put them on to right track of practice. But seldom…field of entropy , the Lucifer the fallen angel. Is all about desire and experience …..

Please nurture your potential in to systematic practice to finish the job. What you experienced is called gata vicchinnavasta…universal form…of your self…where you see macro cosmos through this micro cosmos…that is only a stage…that you experienced ….to go beyond…it's not easy let me tell you.i know in these forums, many of you won't agree, but the one who experienced definetly knows it for certain.


The Mahayana sect was formed at the time og Kanishka. ( Naturally, they called the older version as HeenYana. This type of 'I am better' tendency is seen elesewhere too. 


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