Sunday 8 March 2020

BMTP GOAL The goal is to realize our highest potential. This is a mind that is free of anger, jealousy, greed, prejudice and other conflicted emotions and that is naturally compassionate. The Buddha realized this and his followers since have passed his teachings down to the present day.

The goal is to realize our highest potential. This is a mind that is free of anger, jealousy, greed, prejudice and other conflicted emotions and that is naturally compassionate.
The Buddha realized this and his followers since have passed his teachings down to the present day.

The goal of Buddhism is essentially to become Buddha for the sake of all beings. To truly understand this and the goal you will need to do some more studying into interdependence and cause and condition. Once you become Buddha you have unlimited power to bless and benefit all beings. You then will work to help all in the same way all buddhas are constantly blessing and guiding us. Buddha is beyond the 4 extremes, beyond mundane existence. Buddhas are constantly active in our lives, our negative thinking and obscurations limit our ability to see them, but they are always there.

The goal is to bring all sentient beings to buddhahood. Once your experience is the never-ceasing manifestation of wisdom and compassion, you spontaneous and joyfully help others achieve the same.

As far as the self is concerned, liberation from dukkha and obscurations is the greatest and most beneficial thing that can be accomplished. Nothing else has to be done for oneself afterwards, as in there's no more need to chase happiness since one starts abiding in "bliss", and there are no more puppet strings of habit energy that direct one towards the creation of temporary happiness or misery, or future rebirth, physical or psychological.
Regarding others, according to Mahāyāna thought at least, Awakened beings are also holders of great compassion. Buddhahood in fact is due to the perfection of Wisdom and Compassion, and the acquisition of full Skillful Means for helping others. Therefore, such beings act in order to direct others towards the same liberation they have had.


I would humbly suggest investigating the 10 ox-herding pictures in the Zen tradition for helpful clues to ”the path.”

Image result for ZEN 10 OX-HERDING PICTURES


but buddhas are still only the power of condition. All conditions are still less than the one cause. You alone have cause to enlighten yourself, not even Buddha. But Buddha is unlimited power, unlimited mind. Buddha means awakened one, awakened omniscience. Of course Buddha would enlighten us all instantly if they were able. But that breaks the law of karma. However, mind as unlimited power already and since we all have Buddha nature when you realize result Buddha, you realize unlimited power. Combination of the 3 wheels of dharma taught by Buddha shakyamun


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