Tuesday 3 September 2019


Here are five life hacks this young fellow has shared:
1. Wake up happy! Each morning, usually way too early, he greets the day with a big smile on his face.
Lesson: You’re lucky to be here. (I had my son late in life, and his birth was a minor miracle. He acts like he knows it.)
2. Don’t go out with a dirty diaper. Protest until somebody changes it.
Lesson: Dress for success.
3. If you want something, persevere. He will reach, grab, crawl, scream, whatever it takes until he gets what he wants or an overpowering parental force intervenes.
Lesson: The difference between perseverance and stubbornness is success.
4. If you don’t know what to do, put a smile on your face and laugh. The first time he saw a dog, he didn’t know what to make of the four-legged creature. Then the dog barked. He smiled and laughed his head off!
Lesson: Life is good.
5. Tomorrow will be even better. You might get a new tooth or learn to stand up.
Lesson: Life is an adventure! (See lesson #1.)

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