Sunday 29 September 2019


Caregiving in the final stages of life

While the symptoms in the final stages of life vary from patient to patient and according to the type of life-limiting illness, there are some common symptoms experienced near the end of life. It’s important to remember, though, that experiencing any of them does not necessarily indicate that your loved one’s condition is deteriorating or that death is close.
Common Symptoms in End-of-Life Care
SymptomHow to provide comfort
DrowsinessPlan visits and activities for times when the patient is most alert.
Becoming unresponsiveMany patients are still able to hear after they are no longer able to speak, so talk as if your loved one can hear.
Confusion about time, place, identity of loved onesSpeak calmly to help re-orient your loved one. Gently remind them of the time, date, and people who are with them.
Loss of appetite, decreased need for food and fluidsLet the patient choose if and when to eat or drink. Ice chips, water, or juice may be refreshing if the patient can swallow. Keep your loved one’s mouth and lips moist with products such as glycerin swabs and lip balm.
Loss of bladder or bowel controlKeep your loved one as clean, dry, and comfortable as possible. Place disposable pads on the bed beneath them and remove when they become soiled.
Skin becoming cool to the touchWarm the patient with blankets but avoid electric blankets or heating pads, which can cause burns.
Labored, irregular, shallow, or noisy breathingBreathing may be easier if the patient’s body is turned to the side and pillows are placed beneath their head and behind their back. A cool mist humidifier may also help.

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