Wednesday 4 September 2019

D The Bottom Line LEAVE AMARK You were here. Even if you write no letters, capture no stories, don’t fund a scholarship, and have nothing but moths in your pockets, you will be remembered for something. Your personal legacy may hinge on nothing more than your interactions and words. Some of the people we’ve met who’ve left the most profound legacies had nothing to their names but a deep well of kindness that they and others drew from

The Bottom Line LEAVE AMARK You were here. Even if you write no letters, capture no stories, don’t fund a scholarship, and have nothing but moths in your pockets, you will be remembered for something. Your personal legacy may hinge on nothing more than your interactions and words. Some of the people we’ve met who’ve left the most profound legacies had nothing to their names but a deep well of kindness that they and others drew from

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