Thursday 5 September 2019


What follows is a list of some harmful core beliefs. You may have others to add to this list.

 • No one can control me.

 • Life should be fair and it isn’t.

 • I am a victim of others’ harm and abuse.

• I am a victim of my substance abuse.

 • It isn’t wrong if you don’t get caught.

• You can’t trust anyone.

 • I am above the law / The law doesn’t apply to me.

• Everyone else does it or it’s ok for me to do it too.

• A conventional life is boring.

 • Violence solves problems.

 • An eye for an eye.

• I’m not hurting anyone; I’m preventing them from taking advantage of me.

• I am entitled to do whatever I want.

 • Only suckers work a normal job.

• Breaking the law is cool.

 • The police are the bad guys.

 • It’s me versus them.

• Other people have no worth or rights.

• I can do it on my own; only jerks ask for help.

• It’s okay to steal from strangers.

• I am my image.

 • I have a right to get it fast and easy.

 • Others need my protection.

 • My wants/needs are more important than other’s wants/needs.

• Others fearing me means that they respect me.

 • Anger/aggression gets me what I want.

• Money means power and control.

• I need/deserve to feel good now. • I’m useless/worthless. • Crime gets me what I want. • I’m unlovable. • I have to be right. • I can’t do it. • I don’t deserve happiness. • I’m a bad person. • Life is hard. • Marriage is a trap. • The world owes me. • Women/men want only one thing. • I’m not important. • I need someone. • Women/men can’t be trusted. • I’m entitled to the best. • I’m unwanted. • I’m defective/imperfect/bad. • I’m powerless. • I’m incompetent and hopeless. • The world is against me.

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